Saturday, April 30, 2016

Russia Rises From the Mat

The U.S. government doesn’t want to admit that its heady “unipolar” days are over with Russia no longer the doormat of the 1990s, but Washington’s arrogance risks war, even nuclear annihilation, explains Gilbert Doctorow. By Gilbert Doctorow In Moscow, the…
from Propaganda Guard

Friday, April 29, 2016

Hillary Clinton’s Damning Emails

Exclusive: Before the Democrats lock in their choice for President, it might make sense for the Justice Department to decide if Hillary Clinton broke the law with her unsecure emails and should be indicted, a conundrum that ex-CIA analyst Ray…
from Propaganda Guard

No Dissent from Anti-Russian Propaganda

The European Union prides itself on its commitment to free expression, except apparently when a documentarian diverges from the official line bashing Russia. Then silencing dissent becomes the “responsible” response, as Gilbert Doctorow explains. By Gilbert Doctorow The West’s propaganda…
from Propaganda Guard

Trump’s Foreign Policy Mishmash

Donald Trump’s “big” foreign policy speech was a mishmash of his reasonable calls for American restraint blended with some bluster about unleashing military force, salted with some predictable Obama bashing, writes ex-CIA analyst Paul R. Pillar. By Paul R. Pillar…
from Propaganda Guard

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Hiding the Indonesia Massacre Files

  Exclusive: Perhaps nowhere does U.S. hypocrisy over human rights stand out more clearly than Indonesia’s “Year of Living Dangerously” slaughter of vast numbers of people in 1965, dirty secrets that Jonathan Marshall says finally deserve airing. By Jonathan Marshall…
from Propaganda Guard

Ukraine’s Rightists Return to Odessa

For two years, Ukraine’s U.S.-backed regime has balked at investigating dozens of arson deaths in Odessa and now is doing little as far-right nationalists rally for another confrontation, writes Nicolai N. Petro. By Nicolai N. Petro May 2 will mark the…
from Propaganda Guard

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Egypt’s Dangerous Turn

Egypt’s military regime is suppressing political opposition even more ferociously than the longtime Mubarak dictatorship while also collaborating in the strangulation of Gaza, writes ex-CIA analyst Paul R. Pillar. By Paul R. Pillar With U.S. attention toward the Middle East…
from Propaganda Guard

9/11 Commission Didn’t Clear Saudis

As the Obama administration belatedly weighs releasing the 28 pages on the Saudi role in 9/11, Americans should not be fooled by claims minimizing the Saudi involvement, writes 9/11 widow Kristen Breitweiser. By Kristen Breitweiser Americans are not used to…
from Propaganda Guard

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Erosion of the ‘War on Drugs’

Exclusive: Support for the “war on drugs” has eroded so much that anti-drug-war hoax statements from senior officials sounded plausible even to the mainstream media, writes Jonathan Marshall. By Jonathan Marshall In 1998, assembled delegates to the United Nations vowed…
from Propaganda Guard

The Pentagon’s Medal Inflation

Like grade inflation in college, the Pentagon has engaged in medal inflation, diluting awards for actual heroism by proliferating ribbons for bureaucratic skills, as Chuck Spinney and James Perry Stevenson explain. By Chuck Spinney It should be clear that the…
from Propaganda Guard

Beyonce is Destroying Your Daughter, Not Empowering Her

I generally don’t pay very close attention to pop culture, but as a parent, especially as my kids get older, that is a dangerous game. As I explain in my piece today, the gods and goddesses of our nation’s children can be found in pop culture. This is where so many kids in our society learn almost everything about life, morality, spirituality, and sexuality. Pop culture is important. Far more important that it should be or would be if parents were more engaged and involved.

So when Beyonce released her new album over the weekend, I couldn’t help but notice the insanely over-the-top celebration and adulation that came with it. Fans and the media have agreed that Beyonce is a creative genius and everything she produces is sacred and awe-inspiring. Worse than that, I’ve seen and heard many women call Beyonce’s music — particularly this latest offering — “empowering.”

Even the President of the United States agrees that Beyonce is empowering. He said he could not think of a better role model for his daughters. Many parents across the nation agree.

I want to dissect that idea today. Is Beyonce empowering for women? Is pop music in general empowering? We’ll explore that. But, not to spoil the ending, the answer is absolutely no:


The post Beyonce is Destroying Your Daughter, Not Empowering Her appeared first on The Matt Walsh Blog.

from Propaganda Guard

Saudi Role Beyond the 28 Pages

Release of the 28 secret pages from the congressional 9/11 report may be long overdue, but the depth of Saudi involvement with Islamic radicals goes much deeper, says Gareth Porter at Middle East Eye. By Gareth Porter The controversy surrounding…
from Propaganda Guard

From Brady to MH-17, Power Defines Reality

Exclusive: From the Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 shoot-down to Tom Brady’s NFL suspension, reality gets defined not by facts and reason but by power and propaganda, reports Robert Parry. By Robert Parry Power – far more than fact – determines…
from Propaganda Guard

Monday, April 25, 2016

Missing the Biggest 2016 Story

The biggest political story of 2016 has been the rise of protest candidates Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders, but it was a phenomenon that the mainstream U.S. media largely missed or belittled, writes Neal Gabler. By Neal Gabler To their…
from Propaganda Guard

Hidden Costs of US Air War

When Russian air strikes kill civilians in Syria, it is big news in U.S. newspapers, but there is near-total silence when U.S. bombs kill civilians in Iraq or Syria, a human rights dilemma addressed by Nicolas J S Davies.  By…
from Propaganda Guard

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Is Hillary Clinton ‘Honest’?

Exclusive: Hillary Clinton’s defenders object to the widespread public view that she is a liar by noting she scores reasonably well on the accuracy of her policy statements, but that is missing the point, says Robert Parry. By Robert Parry…
from Propaganda Guard

Stiffing Iran on the Nuke Deal

Secretary of State Kerry boasted about how little Iran has gotten from the nuclear agreement – accessing only $3 billion of its frozen assets – but that could undermine U.S. credibility and endanger the deal, says ex-CIA analyst Paul R.…
from Propaganda Guard

Saturday, April 23, 2016

What’s Left of Palmyra — and Syria

By pouring weapons and money into the Syrian war, the West and its Gulf state allies share in the guilt for the Islamic State’s partial destruction of Palmyra’s historic ruins, which Jeff Klein visited. By Jeff Klein ISIS/Daesh is on…
from Propaganda Guard

Friday, April 22, 2016

Hillary ‘the Hawk’ Clinton

As the Democratic Party grimly marches toward Hillary Clinton’s nomination, little thought has been given to her extraordinary record as a war hawk and what that could mean to the world, observes ex-CIA analyst Paul R. Pillar. By Paul R.…
from Propaganda Guard

How CBS News Aided the JFK Cover-up

Special Report: With the Warren Report on JFK’s assassination under attack in the mid-1960s, there was a chance to correct the errors and reassess the findings, but CBS News intervened to silence the critics, reports James DiEugenio. By James DiEugenio…
from Propaganda Guard

The Terribly Annoyed Saudis

Official Washington’s pols and pundits fret whenever Saudi Arabia or Israel complains, but those “allies” are charting a dangerous course for the U.S. that President Obama seems incapable of changing, writes Michael Brenner. By Michael Brenner A staple of commentary…
from Propaganda Guard

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Dear Trump Fans If Hillary Becomes President You Will Only Have Yourselves To Blame

It’s probably not breaking news that I am, and have been publicly since July, a proud member of the Never Trump club. I would say I’m perhaps a founding member considering the club was so small back then, but that’s a discussion for another day.

As a member of this club, one of the accusations I hear all the time is that I will be responsible for “electing Hillary” if I don’t vote for Trump in the general election (should he win the nomination). I find this claim so absurd that it’s barely worth addressing, but because I hear it so often, I decided to dedicate a post to it.

Here’s the short and sweet version: if Hillary becomes president, it won’t be my fault for not voting Trump, it will be the fault of Trump supporters for nominating such an abysmally terribly candidate in the first place.

Trump fans don’t get to foist this ridiculous buffoon on us and then blame us when he loses. It doesn’t work that way. Sorry. No. If you vote to place Trump in the general election, the inevitable landslide defeat, and the 8 year reign of Queen Hillary, will be on your shoulders.

Here’s why:


The post Dear Trump Fans, If Hillary Becomes President You Will Only Have Yourselves To Blame appeared first on The Matt Walsh Blog.

from Propaganda Guard

A New Anti-Assad Propaganda Offensive

Exclusive: The mainstream U.S. media, including the “liberal” New Yorker, is reprising its propagandistic role before the Iraq War now in Syria with a new round of one-sided reporting, as Daniel Lazare explains. By Daniel Lazare Now that Syria’s “cessation of…
from Propaganda Guard

Netanyahus Neocon Mind

An admirer of Benjamin Netanyahu says the Israeli Prime Minister shares the American neocons’ stark view of the world that disdains diplomacy and compromise with adversaries, notes Lawrence Davidson. By Lawrence Davidson Dan Illouz is an Israeli lawyer and a…
from Propaganda Guard

An Election Stuck in the Mud

The harsh, sometimes racially charged rhetoric of Campaign 2016 is leeching into the broader culture, including the way American school children talk about each other, writes Michael Winship. By Michael Winship On the day before Easter, PEZ Candy USA had…
from Propaganda Guard

Almost There on Spring Fund Drive

From Editor Robert Parry: Thanks to the generosity of our readers we’ve gotten much closer to our Spring Fund Drive goal of $25,000. If you haven’t contributed yet, you can help us get over the top. Contributions of all sizes…
from Propaganda Guard

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

No Reward for Sanderss Israel Stance

Exclusive: Sen. Sanders showed guts when he broke from the political lock-step of unrestrained praise for Israel, but his loss in the New York primary shows there’s little reward for such courage, writes Robert Parry. By Robert Parry So much for…
from Propaganda Guard

Regardless Of The Law I Cant Allow A Man To Enter A Bathroom With My Wife Or Daughter

A couple of absolutely insane stories from the front lines of the culture war this week. First, Target has announced that its customers can use whatever bathroom coincides with their “gender identity.” So, considering my wife and daughter will not be safe in their facilities anymore, I’m done with Target.

Second, more outrageous, a federal appeals court ruled on Monday that schools don’t have the right to segregate bathrooms based on sex. The majority opinion in the case actually puts scare quotes around “biological sex” and insinuates that no such thing necessarily exists.

Now, in my post this morning I’m not going to again explain the basic reality that men have penises and women have vaginas and whoever has a penis cannot be a woman and whoever has a vagina cannot be a man. We’ve already covered that extensively, but if you have any questions you can consult a third grade biology text book (that is until they change the text books and abolish the entire subject of biology on the grounds that it’s transphobic).

What I want to talk about today is how we — particularly we men — should respond to this new gender fluid dystopia. You may think it’s far fetched to consider, but one of these days, fellas, you’re going to see a very dude-looking dude walking into a bathroom or locker room right after your wife or daughter just went in. And when that happens, what will you do? What should you do?

Do we respect the law, which in many states, and soon across the entire nation, says men have the right to invade the privacy of women and girls, or do we ignore that law in favor of observing the higher laws of nature, morality, decency, and truth?

Allow me to be the first to come down firmly on the latter side. Maybe the law will not enforce sex segregation in public restrooms, but, if my wife and daughter’s safety and dignity are at stake, I will:


The post Regardless Of The Law, I Can’t Allow A Man To Enter A Bathroom With My Wife Or Daughter appeared first on The Matt Walsh Blog.

from Propaganda Guard

How The New Yorker Mis-Reports Syria

Exclusive: The New Yorker and editor David Remnick were catastrophically wrong about the Iraq War, but they continue publishing the same one-sided propaganda on the Syrian conflict, as Jonathan Marshall describes. By Jonathan Marshall Only 6 percent of Americans surveyed in…
from Propaganda Guard

Bowing to Americas Oligarchs

Commerce Secretary (and Hyatt Hotel heiress) Penny Pritzker was treated with kid gloves and spared tough questions at the National Press Club, showing how America treats its own oligarchs, writes Sam Husseini. By Sam Husseini Apparently, other countries, but not the…
from Propaganda Guard

Playing Off Europes Muslim Fears

Exclusive: Turkey and the Islamic State are exploiting the Syrian refugee flow into Europe to achieve their own ends, playing off the Continent’s fear of what a Muslim influx will do to political stability, explains Andrés Cala. By Andrés Cala…
from Propaganda Guard

The Imbalanced US-Saudi Alliance

Official Washington’s pundit class wrings its collective hands when President Obama voices frustration with Saudi Arabia, but the Saudi “allies” have taken advantage of the relationship, notes ex-CIA analyst Paul R. Pillar. By Paul R. Pillar The President of the United…
from Propaganda Guard

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

How Israel Killed the Two-State Solution

Except for Bernie Sanders, the remaining presidential candidates (Clinton, Trump, Cruz and Kasich) have pledged fealty to Israel’s right-wing government as hopes for a two-state solution fade away, explains Chuck Spinney. By Chuck Spinney The radical Israeli settlers in the West Bank…
from Propaganda Guard

Spy v. Spy: The First Patriots Day

From the Archive: The traditional Patriots Day falls on April 19, honoring the Minutemen who battled British troops attacking Lexington and Concord in 1775. The British were thwarted, in part, by a little-remembered patriot, as Robert Parry recalled in 2011. By Robert Parry…
from Propaganda Guard

Fast Food Workers: If You Want More Money Drop The Picket Sign And Do Your Job

It’s probably not surprising that I take a tough love approach here. When you have teenagers and adults so overcome by a sense of entitlement that they think they deserve 15 dollars an hour to flip burgers at Wendy’s, I think tough love is the only kind that works.

Last week, fast food workers across the country again played hooky from their jobs so that they could march and hold signs and demand a 100 percent pay increase for no reason. Rather than just roll my eyes at them, which is how grown ups often respond when kids throw temper tantrums, I’ve decided to try and help them. My attempts here are completely sincere. It seems that some of these people really don’t understand how to improve their station in life, which is why they think the government ought to do it for them.
So, to alleviate this confusion, I’ve compiled a helpful step-by-step guide explaining how an entry level fast food employee might achieve the higher wages he desires, without waiting for the State to snap its magical fingers and force his employer to pay him more than what some highly skilled auto mechanics make for a day’s work.

Not to spoil the whole post, but the first two steps are: 1) Go to work. 2) Work hard.

As crazy as these ideas sound, if you do them, you are guaranteed to move up at your job and in life, and then you won’t need to worry about the minimum wage:

The post Fast Food Workers: If You Want More Money, Drop The Picket Sign And Do Your Job appeared first on The Matt Walsh Blog.

from Propaganda Guard

The Sanders/Clinton Split on Israel

Because U.S. politicians reflexively bow to whatever Israel wants, any deviation is surprising, such as Bernie Sanders’s call to respect Palestinian rights, especially in contrast to Hillary Clinton’s Israel pandering, notes Marjorie Cohn. By Marjorie Cohn An amazing thing happened…
from Propaganda Guard

Monday, April 18, 2016

Democrats March Toward Cliff

Exclusive: Barack Obama once called Hillary Clinton “likable enough,” but a new poll raises doubts about that, as the Democratic frontrunner’s net-negative has nearly doubled to 24 points, reports Robert Parry. By Robert Parry As Democratic-insider “super-delegates” give Hillary Clinton a…
from Propaganda Guard

In Case You Missed…

Some of our special stories in March focused on the twists and turns of Election 2016, the propaganda wars over Syria and Russia, and President Obama’s odd attitude toward Washington’s “playbook.” (Editor’s Note: The “denial of service” cyber-attack against us…
from Propaganda Guard

Coming Up Short on Spring Fund Drive

From Editor Robert Parry: We’re wrapping up our Spring Fund Drive this week, but we’re still more than $10,000 short of our $25,000 goal. So, if you can, please help us close that gap. Contributions of all sizes are welcomed…
from Propaganda Guard

Saudi Arabia Coerces US Over 9/11

Saudi Arabia is threatening to financially punish the U.S. if it holds the kingdom to account for its 9/11 role, coercion that hovers over President Obama’s new visit to the Saudi “allies” and that 9/11 widow Kristen Breitweiser condemns. By Kristen Breitweiser On Saturday,…
from Propaganda Guard

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Is Hillary Clinton Above the Law?

Exclusive: Secretary of State Clinton was harsh on subordinates who were careless with classified information, but those rules apparently weren’t for her, a troubling double standard, says ex-CIA analyst Ray McGovern. By Ray McGovern “Enough of the emails,” said Sen. Bernie Sanders…
from Propaganda Guard

Obama’s Failed ‘Hope’ in Gaza

Eight years ago, President Obama offered “hope” for change in the world, but politics and pressures won out, with his failure nowhere more obvious than in Gaza, as Palestinian journalist Mohammed Omer explains in this open letter. By Mohammed Omer To…
from Propaganda Guard

The Shame of the Jesuits

Exclusive: A spotlight has fallen on a shameful chapter in the history of Georgetown University’s Jesuits, the 1838 sale of 272 African-Americans into Deep South slavery, but moral lapses didn’t end there, says ex-CIA analyst Ray McGovern. By Ray McGovern Anti-war…
from Propaganda Guard

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Yes, Hillary Clinton Is a Neocon

Exclusive: The argument over whether Hillary Clinton is a neocon may have been settled by her hawkish debate performance on Thursday, which followed her Israel-pandering speech before AIPAC, reports Robert Parry. By Robert Parry If there were any doubts that…
from Propaganda Guard

Putin Deftly Answers Russia’s Questions

Russian President Putin appeared on top of his game as he fielded questions from across Russia in his annual Q&A event which focused on concerns about the economy, as Gilbert Doctorow describes. By Gilbert Doctorow Anyone watching Russian state television in…
from Propaganda Guard

Balancing Principles and Pragmatism

An important distinction in politics is discerning the difference between a politician who advances principles pragmatically and one that puts career before principle, writes ex-CIA analyst Paul R. Pillar. By Paul R. Pillar In a story out of Tehran, President…
from Propaganda Guard

Friday, April 15, 2016

Hillary Clinton’s Gender Argument

Exclusive: Hillary Clinton calls on women to support her to be the first female President, but all Americans should look carefully at her record advocating bloody, neocon “regime change” wars, says ex-CIA analyst Ray McGovern. By Ray McGovern Not race…
from Propaganda Guard

Learning to Love the Bomb — Again

Perhaps the height of Official Washington’s madness is the casual decision to invest $1 trillion in a new generation of nukes, including a downsized, easy-to-use variety, with almost no debate, a danger that Michael Brenner addresses. By Michael Brenner By…
from Propaganda Guard

Thursday, April 14, 2016

The ‘Credibility’ Illusion

Exclusive: The Obama administration protects its “credibility” by refusing to budge on its claims about the 2013 Syria-sarin case or the 2014 plane shoot-down in eastern Ukraine even as the evidence shifts, writes Robert Parry. By Robert Parry What surprised…
from Propaganda Guard

Duping Progressives into Wars

The online advocacy group, Avaaz, has pulled progressives into support of U.S. “humanitarian” wars in Libya and Syria by promoting sweet-sounding ideas like “no-fly zones,” as John Hanrahan explains. By John Hanrahan A recent two-part series in The New York Times laid out in detail the…
from Propaganda Guard

Pope Francis Reinforces Sexual Taboos

Pope Francis won wide praise for lightening up on Catholic condemnation of divorce but a closer reading of his text shows him reinforcing the Church’s repressive positions on human sexual behavior, writes Daniel C. Maguire. By Daniel C. Maguire It embarrasses…
from Propaganda Guard

Pope Francis Takes On ‘Just War’ Theory

The Catholic Church, which over the centuries has blessed many dreadful wars, is shifting to an anti-war position favored by Pope Francis and more in line with Jesus’s teachings, writes ex-CIA official Graham E. Fuller. By Graham E. Fuller Pope…
from Propaganda Guard

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

The New Propaganda War

Exclusive: Despite Western media dominance, the U.S. government wants to stop the world from hearing the “other side” on foreign disputes by “countering” or discrediting those voices, explains Jonathan Marshall. By Jonathan Marshall “[Russia] is conducting an intensive propaganda campaign directed…
from Propaganda Guard

The Victory of ‘Perception Management’

From the Archive: In the 1980s, the Reagan team pioneered “perception management” to get Americans to “kick the Vietnam Syndrome,” an ongoing propaganda structure now justifying endless war, writes Robert Parry. By Robert Parry (Originally published December 28, 2014) To understand how…
from Propaganda Guard

Should Obama Visit Hiroshima?

At the upcoming G-7 meeting in Japan, President Obama will have a chance to pay his respects to the Hiroshima victims of the first U.S. nuclear bomb, but he’ll get criticized by political enemies, says ex-CIA analyst Paul R. Pillar.…
from Propaganda Guard

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

How an Iran War Was Averted

Exclusive: A decade ago, the Bush administration was eager to bomb Iran but U.S. intelligence analysts challenged the casus belli by finding that Iran was not building a nuclear bomb, recalls ex-CIA analyst Ray McGovern. By Ray McGovern On a recent TV…
from Propaganda Guard

The Lure of a Syrian ‘No-Fly Zone’

Inundated with one-sided reporting on Syria, some “progressive” groups such as “Avaaz” have joined in demands for direct U.S. military intervention against Assad under the guise of a “no-fly zone,” reports John Hanrahan. By John Hanrahan Readers of the national edition of…
from Propaganda Guard

Monday, April 11, 2016

Sanders Annoys Democratic Establishment

The Democratic establishment is growing impatient with Bernie Sanders who continues to delay the party’s long-planned coronation of Hillary Clinton, a vexation expressed by Paul Krugman and criticized by Rick Sterling. By Rick Sterling When Republicans are in the White…
from Propaganda Guard

Two Election Scandals That CNN Won’t Touch

From Editor Robert Parry: CNN is broadcasting a six-part series on controversial U.S. presidential elections, but the network shied away from two of the most significant cases – 1968 and 1980 – in which the evidence shows Republicans disrupted crucial…
from Propaganda Guard

‘Yats’ Is No Longer the Guy

Exclusive: Several weeks before Ukraine’s 2014 coup, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Nuland had already picked Arseniy Yatsenyuk to be the future leader, but now “Yats” is no longer the guy, writes Robert Parry. By Robert Parry In reporting on…
from Propaganda Guard

Behind Ukraine’s Leadership Shake-up

Ukrainian Prime Minister Yatsenyuk’s stepping down is a mostly cosmetic move in response to the Dutch rejecting the E.U.’s association agreement with Ukraine, a country still locked in political dysfunction, says Gilbert Doctorow. By Gilbert Doctorow The significance of Ukrainian Prime…
from Propaganda Guard

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Would a Clinton Win Mean More Wars?

Special Report: Savvy neocons see Hillary Clinton as their Trojan Horse to be pulled into the White House by Democratic voters, raising the question: would a Clinton-45 presidency mean more wars, asks Robert Parry. By Robert Parry The Democratic Party…
from Propaganda Guard

Clinging to Symbols of White Supremacy

Many Southern whites cling to symbols of a racist past when whites reigned supreme and blacks were enslaved or segregated, a fight raging in New Orleans over Confederate monuments, notes Lawrence Davidson. By Lawrence Davidson Cultures do evolve, particularly those aspects…
from Propaganda Guard

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Why We’re Never Told Why We’re Attacked

Exclusive: When Western media discusses terrorism against the West, the motive is almost always left out, even when the terrorists state they are avenging longstanding Western violence in the Muslim world, reports Joe Lauria. By Joe Lauria After a Russian commercial…
from Propaganda Guard

The Danger of More Iran Sanctions

The “bomb-bomb-bomb Iran” caucus is back at it demanding continued sanctions on Iran despite the tight constraints on its nuclear program, another scheme to kill the deal, as ex-CIA analyst Paul R. Pillar explains. By Paul R. Pillar Attention has increased…
from Propaganda Guard

Friday, April 8, 2016

Is Hillary Clinton ‘Qualified’?

Exclusive: The question of “qualifications” is suddenly at the center of the Democratic race with Hillary Clinton’s backers touting her résumé but ignoring her many failures in job after job, writes Robert Parry. By Robert Parry Former Secretary of State…
from Propaganda Guard

Attention Christians: You Cannot Adjust Your Faith To Make Room For Your Favorite Sin

I wish I did not have to continuously write things like this. This should be self-evident to all Believers. The faith is what the faith is, and you cannot adjust it or change it or widen it to include your favorite sins, be they gay “marriage,” abortion, pornography, or whatever. Just because the culture accepts these sins, does not mean you get to modify Christianity accordingly.

I found it necessary to write on this topic for two reasons: 1) As I mentioned briefly yesterday, I encountered a large crowd of liberal, pro-gay protesters when I spoke at Catholic University. I engaged as many of them as I could. I spent hours, in fact, arguing with them. And what I discovered is that almost all of them still claimed to be Christian, even while openly rejecting God’s authority on this topic. Not only do they reject it, but they call it “hate” and “bigotry.”

2) This, of course, is just a symptom of a much larger issue. Polls show that a majority of “Christians” believe gay marriage, abortion, etc., are perfectly morally acceptable. Which means a majority of Christians are heretics who’ve fashioned a new faith for themselves.

So today I want to reestablish that our faith DOES absolutely, without a doubt, completely unambiguously, condemn our culture’s trendiest sins. Scripture is clear and unequivocal on abortion and gay marriage and all other forms of sexual immorality. If you are a Christian, you HAVE TO accept these teachings. They are mandatory. Whether you like it or not. Further, if you preach something that is in opposition to the Gospel, you are committing a very serious scandal, and you are, by your own actions, divorcing yourself from the faith.

I wouldn’t have to explain these things if our churches and Christian institutions would step up to the plate. But because they have largely failed for years to clarify these points, it’s up to people like you and me to shed the light, no matter how much our own supposed brothers and sisters in Christ might hate it:


The post Attention Christians: You Cannot Adjust Your Faith To Make Room For Your Favorite Sin appeared first on The Matt Walsh Blog.

from Propaganda Guard

Covering Up Hillary’s Libyan Fiasco

Exclusive: Despite Libya’s bloodshed and chaos, ex-Secretary of State Clinton still defends her key role in the 2011 “regime change,” but her reasons don’t withstand scrutiny, as Jonathan Marshall explains. By Jonathan Marshall Years after the end of the Vietnam War, as memories…
from Propaganda Guard

Thursday, April 7, 2016

A Media Unmoored from Facts

Exclusive: Mainstream U.S. journalism has completely lost its way, especially in dealing with foreign policy issues where bias now overwhelms any commitment to facts, a dangerous development, writes Robert Parry. By Robert Parry Several weeks ago, I received a phone…
from Propaganda Guard

Dutch Voters Reject Ukraine Deal

Dutch voters struck a blow against the E.U.’s Ukrainian association agreement – and the incessant Russia-bashing that has surrounded it – creating hope for less belligerence in Europe, writes Gilbert Doctorow. By Gilbert Doctorow On this overcast Thursday morning in…
from Propaganda Guard

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Bush-41’s October Surprise Denials

Exclusive: “Deny everything,” British traitor Kim Philby said, explaining how the powerful can bluff past their crimes, a truism known to George H.W. Bush when he denied charges of his own near treason in the October Surprise case, writes Robert Parry.…
from Propaganda Guard

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

The Mystery of Shakespeare’s Tomb

Special Report: A radar scan of William Shakespeare’s supposed tomb in a Stratford church came up empty, fueling the old debate about who really wrote the famous plays and sonnets, writes ex-CIA analyst Peter W. Dickson. By Peter W. Dickson The 400th-anniversary of the death of…
from Propaganda Guard

The Challenge After ISIS

The Islamic State’s recent setbacks in Iraq and Syria may portend the group’s eventual collapse, but the chaos left behind will present a challenge of a different sort, writes ex-CIA analyst Paul R. Pillar. By Paul R. Pillar A major…
from Propaganda Guard

When Donald Trump Makes Sense

The Washington establishment dismisses Donald Trump as a buffoon who doesn’t understand the intricacies of national security policies, but some of his comments underscore how foolish those policies are, writes Mike Lofgren. By Mike Lofgren Despite the fact that modern…
from Propaganda Guard

Killing the US Republic — and Empire

Through its dysfunctional politics and over-reliance on military force, the United States is destroying both its Republic and its imperial reach, a problem made in the USA, said former Ambassador Chas W. Freeman Jr. in a recent speech. By Chas…
from Propaganda Guard

Monday, April 4, 2016

‘Corruption’ as a Propaganda Weapon

Exclusive: Mainstream U.S. journalism and propaganda are getting hard to tell apart, as with the flurry of “corruption” stories aimed at Russia’s Putin and other demonized foreign leaders, writes Robert Parry. By Robert Parry Sadly, some important duties of journalism, such…
from Propaganda Guard

Fear and Loathing in Ukraine

Despite favorable – even fawning – propaganda in Western media, the U.S./E.U.-backed regime in Ukraine tramples on traditional liberal values of tolerance and pluralism, notes James W Carden. By James W Carden The overnight train from Kiev to Slavyansk gives…
from Propaganda Guard

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Europe’s Terror Blowback

The Paris and Brussels attacks are blowback from what Islamic State terrorists see as betrayal by Western benefactors who thought using jihadists could bring “regime change” in Syria, says Pakistani analyst Nauman Sadiq. By Nauman Sadiq France under President Nicolas Sarkozy played…
from Propaganda Guard

Behind Brazil’s ‘Regime Change’

Government “corruption” – trumpeted by international media and exploited by U.S.-funded NGOs – is a favorite weapon for discrediting and removing populist leaders, as is now occurring in Brazil, explains Dan Steinbock. By Dan Steinbock While international media focuses on Brazil’s mass demonstrations against…
from Propaganda Guard

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Will China Take Lead on Global Warming?

As the American Right continues to reject climate-change science, China is showing signs of taking the lead in developing cutting-edge technology to combat global warming, writes ex-CIA analyst Paul R. Pillar. By Paul R. Pillar A common argument made by…
from Propaganda Guard

How Israeli Propaganda Succeeds

Pervasive Israeli propaganda has blinded many Americans to the injustice meted out to Palestinians, a “group think” that a new documentary calls “The Occupation of the American Mind,” reviewed by Abba A. Solomon. By Abba A. Solomon Harriet Beecher Stowe is reputed…
from Propaganda Guard

Friday, April 1, 2016

Cleaning Up Hillary’s Libyan Mess

Exclusive: U.S. officials are pushing a dubious new scheme to “unify” a shattered Libya, but the political risk at home is that voters will finally realize Hillary Clinton’s responsibility for the mess, writes Robert Parry. By Robert Parry Hillary Clinton’s…
from Propaganda Guard

The ‘Hybrid War’ of Economic Sanctions

U.S. politicians love the “silver bullet” of economic sanctions to punish foreign adversaries, but the weapon’s overuse is driving China and Russia to develop countermeasures, as British diplomat Alastair Crooke explains. By Alastair Crooke Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei told a large…
from Propaganda Guard

The Establishment Strikes Back at Obama

Since President Obama went public with his objections to U.S. foreign policy orthodoxy and its many wars, the Establishment has been striking back with a fury, notes ex-CIA analyst Melvin A. Goodman. By Melvin A. Goodman The most fascinating aspect…
from Propaganda Guard