Monday, February 29, 2016

Meaning Behind the Republican Bile

There has been little inspirational about the U.S. presidential race, especially on the Republican side where insults have replaced argument and bigotry has become a cheap currency for winning over voters, but there are also significant lessons in this debased debate, writes Lawrence Davidson. By Lawrence Davidson As the Republican primary plays itself out, cruelty…
from Propaganda Guard

Nobody Cares About Your Feelings, College Kids

We all know that American universities have become places of intense psychological indoctrination. We also know that kids often go into college malleable, immature, and oversensitive, and come out even more malleable, immature, and oversensitive. We all read the stories about college kids constantly having conniption fits whenever confronted with words, opinions, and ideas that upset them. Indeed, only on a modern American college campus could you find actual adults unironically demanding “safe spaces” and the like.

But I think there’s a deeper reason for the epidemic of wimpiness in our universities and in my generation as a whole. I think it stems from the idea that we as individuals are supreme, and as the supreme beings in the universe, our feelings and thoughts should be the primary concern of everyone else. In this view of things — the progressive view — I am the greatest, most important, most special creature in all of creation, and everyone and everything else is secondary. It stands to reason that, as a god among mortals, my emotions ought to be the top priority in the world.

I wrote this to help dispel that notion. There are three hard truths — all centered around this faulty belief — that I attempt to very delicately and diplomatically explain here. But the first and most important is that your feelings aren’t nearly as important as you think. Of all the things a young adult should learn, that might be the most crucial lesson of all:


The post Nobody Cares About Your Feelings, College Kids appeared first on The Matt Walsh Blog.

from Propaganda Guard

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Faulting Sanders for Lacking Experts

Frontrunner Hillary Clinton, who has the backing of nearly the entire Democratic foreign policy establishment, taunts Bernie Sanders about his lack of a similar roster, but ex-CIA analyst Paul R. Pillar says what’s more important is the judgment of the potential president. By Paul R. Pillar Bernie Sanders has become a primary focus of a…
from Propaganda Guard

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Mystery of the Civil War’s Camp Casey

From the Archive: U.S. history is distorted by the prism of race, even the Civil War, which was fought over slavery but then enshrined white heroes when Jim Crow racism quickly asserted itself, a reality relevant to Black History Month and to Chelsea Gilmour’s investigation into the mystery of Camp Casey. By Chelsea Gilmour (Originally published on Feb. 26, 2015) As much…
from Propaganda Guard

Testing Out Repression in Israel

Jeff Halper, co-founder of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions, sees the brutal practice of destroying Palestinian homes and similar tactics as part of an experiment in social repression that can have broader implications as income inequality spreads across the globe, as he told Dennis J Bernstein. By Dennis J Bernstein Israeli author and human rights…
from Propaganda Guard

Friday, February 26, 2016

VIPS Offers Advice to Candidates

Former Secretary of State Clinton, whose campaign is brimming with establishment foreign policy advisers, has chided Democratic rival Sen. Sanders for lacking a roster of experts. But ex-CIA analyst Ray McGovern says an untapped resource for any candidate is the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity. By Ray McGovern A Memo to: Dr. Ben Carson, Hillary…
from Propaganda Guard

Why McConnell Blocks Scalia Replacement

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell says his obstruction of President Obama’s nominee to replace Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia is to empower the people, but it’s more about making sure that the Citizens United gusher of special interest money keeps pouring into Republican coffers, writes Michael Winship. By Michael Winship Many years ago, I worked…
from Propaganda Guard

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Neocon Kagan Endorses Hillary Clinton

Exclusive: Hillary Clinton’s cozy ties to Washington’s powerful neocons have paid off with the endorsement of Robert Kagan, one of the most influential neocons. But it also should raise questions among Democrats about what kind of foreign policy a President Hillary Clinton would pursue, writes Robert Parry. By Robert Parry Prominent neocon Robert Kagan has…
from Propaganda Guard

How US Helps Al Qaeda in Yemen

Exclusive: The Obama administration, eager to assuage Saudi Arabia’s anger over the Iran nuclear deal and the failure to achieve “regime change” in Syria, has turned a blind eye to Riyadh’s savaging of Yemen, even though that is helping Al Qaeda militants expand their territory, writes Jonathan Marshall. By Jonathan Marshall For nearly a year,…
from Propaganda Guard

Behind FBI’s Data-Access Fight with Apple

FBI Director James Comey gained his reputation for integrity by standing up to George W. Bush’s White House on a domestic spying issue but the fight was more tactical than principled, raising doubts about his current dispute with Apple over government accessing encrypted phone data, writes ex-FBI official Coleen Rowley. By Coleen Rowley Knowing even…
from Propaganda Guard

A Plea for Reason on Israel

Alon Ben-Meir, born to an Iraqi Jewish family and a longtime negotiator between Israelis and Arabs, has faced accusations of over-optimism on the possibilities of peace but has now reluctantly concluded that Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu has no interest in reconciliation, prompting this open letter called “a plea for reason.” By Alon Ben-Meir Dear Prime…
from Propaganda Guard

Making Gitmo Today’s Spandau Prison

Obstructionists in Congress continue to play to baseless public fears and harmful prejudices by blocking President Obama’s plan for finally closing the Guantanamo Bay prison, instead making it a modern-day version of Spandau Prison, writes ex-CIA analyst Paul R. Pillar. By Paul R. Pillar Spandau Prison in Berlin was a red brick structure, on the…
from Propaganda Guard

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Sanders the ‘Realist’; Hillary the ‘Neocon’

Exclusive: Sen. Sanders finds himself on the defensive in his uphill primary fight against Hillary Clinton for the Democratic presidential nomination in part because he shies away from defining himself as a “realist” and asking if she is a “neocon,” writes Robert Parry. By Robert Parry Hillary Clinton has scored points against Bernie Sanders by…
from Propaganda Guard

Monday, February 22, 2016

Dissing George Washington for Reagan

Exclusive: Was Ronald Reagan a greater American leader than George Washington? That is the impression one gets when historic “Washington National Airport” is redubbed “Reagan National.” Are Americans really that anti-historical to have forgotten Washington’s significance, asks Robert Parry on the first President’s 284th birthday. By Robert Parry Arguably, George Washington was the one indispensible…
from Propaganda Guard

Dear Trump Fan, So You Want Someone To “Tell It Like It Is”? OK, Here You Go.

Today I’m going to test Trump fans to see if they really respect and appreciate “politically incorrect tough talk.” This whole piece — along with being the truth — is an experiment. Trump’s fans say they support him largely because he’s blunt and brash and he “speaks his mind” and “tells it like it is.” As I cover in my column, they excuse or overlook every vile thing he’s ever done or said on the grounds that, well, at least he’s being honest.

If these folks REALLY respect straight talk and brutal honesty, they should LOVE what I’m about to say to them. I’m ruthlessly critical of them and they’re chosen leader, but, by their own words, they ought to respect the heck out of me for it. Sure, they may not agree, but isn’t my candor refreshing?

So consider this my anti-Trump magnum opus, doubling as a test of the Trumpling commitment to the politically incorrect “tellin’ it like it is” approach. I suspect they’ve already failed just based on my description of it. Indeed, they’ve failed the test many times over the last 7 months, proving over and over again that they ONLY appreciate hard criticism and tough talk when it comes out of the mouth of Donald Trump. When anyone else does it, they curl into a ball and sob.

I believe all the reasons Trump fans give for their support of him are bogus. I don’t think they respect someone who “tells it like it is.” I don’t think they care that much about immigration or the economy or whatever, as evidenced by their infatuation with a guy who has contributed heavily to every problem they now expect him to solve. I certainly don’t think they care about corruption, and I don’t think they’re angry at Washington. At least not angry in any meaningful sense. I think they’re simply bored, intellectually lazy, and apathetic:


The post Dear Trump Fan, So You Want Someone To “Tell It Like It Is”? OK, Here You Go. appeared first on The Matt Walsh Blog.

from Propaganda Guard

The GOP’s ‘Pitchfork’ Rebellion

Exclusive: As Democrats show signs of falling in line behind the party’s establishment candidate (Hillary Clinton), the Republicans remain in rebellion casting aside one establishment favorite after another and making populist-billionaire Donald Trump the frontrunner, writes James W Carden. By James W Carden In spring 2003, the journalist and former George W. Bush speechwriter David…
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Slouching Down a March of Folly

The threats from Turkey and Saudi Arabia to mount a full-scale invasion of Syria create the potential for a modern-day “march of folly” into World War III by drawing NATO and the U.S. into a direct military confrontation with Russia and Iran, as ex-CIA analyst Paul R. Pillar explains. By Paul R. Pillar The centenary…
from Propaganda Guard

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Kosovo Chaos Undercuts Clinton ‘Success’

Exclusive: President Bill Clinton’s Kosovo war of 1999 was loved by neocons and liberal hawks – the forerunner for Iraq, Libya, Syria and other conflicts this century – but Kosovo’s political violence and lawlessness today underscore the grim consequences of those strategies even when they “succeed,” writes Jonathan Marshall. By Jonathan Marshall The insatiable appetite…
from Propaganda Guard

KLA Country (A Forewarning from Kosovo)

From the Archive: President Clinton’s 1999 air war on Serbia supposedly to stop genocide in Kosovo became the model for neocon/liberal hawk “humanitarian” wars this century. But – as Kosovo descends again into political violence – the war also foreshadowed what can go wrong, as Don North reported in this prescient story from 1999. By…
from Propaganda Guard

Clinton’s Experience: Fact and Fantasy

From the Archive: Hillary Clinton’s win in Saturday’s Nevada caucuses and her big lead in South Carolina restore her status as Democratic frontrunner but lingering doubts about her honesty and her coziness to Big Money continue to dog her path to the White House, a problem that Barbara Koeppel identified during Clinton’s first run in…
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Holding the EU Together

Stressed by a long recession and a new refugee crisis, the European Union granted extraordinary concessions to London to keep Great Britain from splitting away from the Continent, but the glue holding the fragile union together may increasingly be an exaggerated fear of Russia, writes Gilbert Doctorow. By Gilbert Doctorow On Saturday, we woke up…
from Propaganda Guard

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Fearing Sanders as ‘Closet Realist’

Exclusive: To Washington’s neocons like David Ignatius, Sen. Sanders should be disqualified for being a “closet realist” who doesn’t accept their forced “regime change” in Syria. Sanders also not onboard for more “nation building” like the neocons undertook in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya, writes Robert Parry. By Robert Parry How little Official Washington’s neocon-dominated foreign policy elite has learned…
from Propaganda Guard

Turkey’s Perilous Crossroad

Turkey is at a dangerous crossroad, having plunged down the bloody route of “regime change” in Syria and getting drawn deeper into conflicts with Kurds, Iran and Russia. Can President Erdogan return to the more peaceful path he once followed, asks ex-CIA official Graham E. Fuller. By Graham E. Fuller What does Turkey need to do…
from Propaganda Guard

America’s Slide toward Failed State

The blanket refusal of Senate Republican leaders to consider President Obama’s choice to succeed Justice Scalia reflects a descent of the United States toward the kind of dysfunctional failed state that Washington normally upbraids, says ex-CIA analyst Paul R. Pillar. By Paul R. Pillar We Americans, usually quick to judge other societies by American standards, can…
from Propaganda Guard

Friday, February 19, 2016

How the Democratic Party Got Lost

Though the political odds still favor Hillary Clinton, her stumbling candidacy and dependence on vast sums of special-interest money reflect the weaknesses of the Democratic Party, which lost its way in the 1980s and 1990s, forgetting its historic role as defender of the little guy, as Michael Brenner explains. By Michael Brenner The Clinton juggernaut…
from Propaganda Guard

The Big Issue Is Big Money

The biggest falsehood of Hillary Clinton’s campaign is to call Bernie Sanders a “single-issue” candidate, since he has actually addressed many issues. But Michael Winship says there’s some truth in the charge because Sanders has identified Big Money as the root of many problems – and that is true. By Michael Winship Maybe it’s that 50,000-year-old,…
from Propaganda Guard

Feeling the Bern Across America

Many political pundits see Bernie Sanders’s New Hampshire landslide as a fluke and look to Hillary Clinton’s Southern “firewall” to bring the Democratic race back to its expected course. But Lisa Pease has examined the Sanders campaign and sees an opening instead for a national course correction. By Lisa Pease Bernie Sanders can absolutely win the…
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Hillary Clinton and the Dogs of War

Former Secretary of State Clinton grudgingly admits her Iraq War vote was a “mistake,” but it was not a one-off misjudgment. Clinton has consistently stood for a war-like U.S. foreign policy that ignores international law and relies on brinkmanship and military force, writes Nicolas J S Davies. By Nicolas J S Davies A poll taken in Iowa…
from Propaganda Guard

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Playing Whack-a-Terrorist in Libya

The Libyan “regime change” of 2011 – aggressively promoted by then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton – turned a relatively prosperous and secular country into another failed state where terrorism is finding a home, prompting new calls for a Western “whack-a-mole” intervention, as ex-CIA analyst Paul R. Pillar explains. By Paul R. Pillar The “next front against…
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Behind Flint’s Lead-Poisoned Water

Largely abandoned by auto manufacturers who shifted factories to low-wage areas, Flint, Michigan, suffers from a powerlessness that allowed Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder and other officials to ignore the city’s lead-poisoned water, as Dennis J Bernstein reports. By Dennis J Bernstein The lead-poisoned water of Flint, Michigan, is a national scandal that bears on multiple…
from Propaganda Guard

The Disgrace of Flint’s Poison Water

The case of Flint, Michigan, and its lead-poisoned water supply has exposed a U.S political disgrace, treating poor and minority communities with shocking disregard – and showing little interest in punishing the officials responsible, as Marsha Coleman-Adebayo told Dennis J Bernstein. By Dennis J Bernstein As a teacher in the mid-1970s, my middle-school students in Far…
from Propaganda Guard

Strangling the Israel Boycott

Brushing aside the free-speech rights of Americans, Sen. Mark Kirk and other members of the U.S. Congress are pushing Zionist-demanded legislation to stifle a boycott movement aimed at pressuring Israel to stop oppressing Palestinians, as Lawrence Davidson explains. By Lawrence Davidson It was bound to happen – an attempt by the U.S. Congress to support…
from Propaganda Guard

Dear Christians, Please, Please Stop Apologizing For Your Faith

If I could get every Christian in the country to read just one thing I’ve ever written, it would probably be this. I just want all Believers in this country stop being ashamed of their faith, and I especially want them to stop backing away from their faith when the peanut gallery has a hissy fit about it. Seriously, if you decide to read one of my rambles all the way to the end, make it this.

There’s a reason I’m bringing this up. A prominent athlete was the latest Christian to get beaten into submission because he spoke boldly about the Bible’s teachings on homosexuality. In the span of about 36 hours he went from highly respected to roundly despise, all because he revealed himself to be a Christian who actually believes all that stuff in his Holy Book. Imagine that. But then, when faced with the backlash, he apologized. It seems like they always apologize. The progressive hordes almost always get their apology if they stomp their feet loudly enough.

But this is just the most recent example. I’m using it to make a broader point. Overall, it seems we have four types of Christians in this culture: 1) Those who’ve effectively renounced their faith and adopted liberal positions on things like gay “marriage” and abortion, etc. 2) Those who hold to their faith but remain silent for fear of mockery and persecution. 3) Those who speak but then apologize for speaking. 4) Those who stand by their faith publicly and never, ever, ever apologize for it, no matter what happens.

Sadly, I feel like the Christians in category 4 are a small, minuscule, rapidly disappearing minority. But if the Christians in category 2 and 3 would join those in 4, we might just stand a chance. Please read this all the way to the end, and share if you think it warrants it:


The post Dear Christians, Please, Please Stop Apologizing For Your Faith appeared first on The Matt Walsh Blog.

from Propaganda Guard

Recalling the Slaughter of Innocents

From the Archive: The quarter-century anniversary of an early U.S. war crime in Iraq passed largely unnoticed this week, the bombing of a civilian air-raid shelter in Baghdad during President George H.W. Bush’s Persian Gulf War, an atrocity that killed more than 400 women and children, as Ray McGovern recalled in 2011. By Ray McGovern (Updated from…
from Propaganda Guard

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Lost Lessons of Libya

Exclusive: Despite months of Western diplomatic efforts, Libya remains an object lesson in “regime change” arrogance, a failed state beset by rival militias and becoming a new base for Islamic extremists – as the movie “Thirteen Hours” graphically depicts, writes James DiEugenio. By James DiEugenio American foreign policy leaders are not great at learning lessons…
from Propaganda Guard

The ‘Downton Abbey’ Generals

As Official Washington lusts for a new Cold War – all the better to fleece the taxpayers on behalf of the Military-Industrial Complex – there are also smaller perks that the powerful prefer, like U.S. generals having enlisted soldiers perform as their personal servants like the wait staff on “Downton Abbey,” notes Mike Lofgren. By…
from Propaganda Guard

France Dumps Liberté for Security

Exclusive: France’s response to last year’s terror attacks in Paris imposed draconian measures that waived basic civil rights during the immediate “emergency,” but the French parliament is now considering making those rules permanent, as Jonathan Marshall explains. Jonathan Marshall When Islamist radicals destroy centuries-old artifacts, from Bamyan to Palmyra, civilized people everywhere register their outrage.…
from Propaganda Guard

Obama’s ‘Moderate’ Syrian Deception

Exclusive: President Obama, who once called the idea of “moderate” Syrian rebels a “fantasy,” has maintained the fiction to conceal the fact that many “moderates” are fighting alongside Al Qaeda’s jihadists, an inconvenient truth that is complicating an end to Syria’s civil war, explains Gareth Porter. By Gareth Porter If the tentative agreement on a…
from Propaganda Guard

Monday, February 15, 2016

Obama’s Most Momentous Decision

Exclusive: President Obama must decide if he will let the Syrian civil war come to an end with Russian-backed President Assad still in power or if he will escalate by supporting a Turkish-Saudi invasion, which could push the world to the brink of nuclear war, writes Joe Lauria. By Joe Lauria With the Russian-backed Syrian…
from Propaganda Guard

Pro-War GOP Boos Donald Trump

His bigoted comments about Mexicans and Muslims aside, billionaire Donald Trump actually makes some common sense when he talks about working with Russia, Iran and other powers to bring the Mideast wars to an end, rather than pushing for endless “regime change,” Sam Husseini notes. By Sam Husseini At first I thought it hopeful (albeit…
from Propaganda Guard

If Republicans Let Obama Pick Scalia’s Replacement, I Will Leave The Party Forever

I have many things to say about some of the news surrounding the death of the great and brilliant Justice Antonin Scalia. I hope you’ll read and share this because I think we are witnessing the beginning moments of the most important political fight of our lifetime. If you are not paying attention, you should be.

I discuss three elements to this story in my post today. First, before we move on, I do not want to just breeze right over the fact that many, many, many liberals reacted in despicable, grotesque, subhumans ways when they first heard the news of Scalia’s passing. The internet was flooded with expressions of joy and jubilation from leftists of all types, famous media figures and regular folks alike. I know we may expect this kind of behavior, but that doesn’t excuse it or mitigate it.

Moreover, as I outline in the piece, it’s worth reflecting on WHY leftists hated the man so much. The why is really the worst part. They hated him BECAUSE he was decent, courageous, and right. It’s bad enough to hate in the first place, but to hate a man for being right is demented. Yet that is the case with liberals. They are driven by a hatred for truth.

The final two parts have to do with the political fight. Republicans must now spend almost a year blocking Obama’s Supreme Court picks. They MUST do this. There is no choice in the matter. If Obama is allowed to replace Scalia with a progressive — and he will only nominate progressives — the consequences will be catastrophic. A hard-left Supreme Court would spell the end of the Constitution and the Rule of Law in this nation, once and for all.

That means Republicans must hold the line and win this fight, no matter what. The cost does not matter. The fallout does not matter. All that matters is winning this battle. If they do anything less than win, I swear I will leave the Party forever. It will be a treason so unthinkable that I could never forget or forgive it. There is far too much at stake to fail now:


The post If Republicans Let Obama Pick Scalia’s Replacement, I Will Leave The Party Forever appeared first on The Matt Walsh Blog.

from Propaganda Guard

Sunday, February 14, 2016

How Scalia Distorts the Framers

From the Archive: The late Supreme Court Justice Scalia put his right-wing ideology above any respect for the Constitution’s Framers, even resorting to a made-up view attributed to Alexander Hamilton in Scalia’s dissent to the landmark upholding of the Affordable Care Act, wrote Robert Parry in 2012. By Robert Parry (Originally published on July 4,…
from Propaganda Guard

Justice Scalia’s ‘Originalist’ Hypocrisy

From the Archive: The death of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Scalia has prompted fawning eulogies about his legal brilliance and his heart-felt faith in constitutional “originalism,” but the reality is that he twisted the Framers’ thoughts into whatever was political convenient, as Robert Parry noted in 2011. By Robert Parry (Originally published on Jan. 5,…
from Propaganda Guard

New GOP Plans for Torture

President Obama’s failure to prosecute Bush-era torturers created an impunity that has encouraged some Republican presidential candidates to tout new plans for more torture if they reach the White House, a grotesque example of “American exceptionalism,” as Nat Parry explains. By Nat Parry Troubling comments within the Republican presidential field over whether to reinstate torture and implement…
from Propaganda Guard

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Bungling the New World Order

By relying on NATO interventions and other military strategies, the U.S. is bleeding itself economically and crippling its ability to cooperate with Russia, China and other emerging forces in the multi-polar world that is taking shape, a grave geopolitical mistake, says ex-CIA official Graham E. Fuller. By Graham E. Fuller On the world scene, America is…
from Propaganda Guard

NATO’s Provocative Anti-Russian Moves

Official Washington’s demonization of Vladimir Putin and the neocon “group think” about “Russian aggression” have fueled a reckless drive to move NATO forces up to Russia’s border, thus heightening risks of nuclear war and not serving real U.S. national interests, writes Jonathan Marshall. By Jonathan Marshall Twenty-seven years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, NATO is back…
from Propaganda Guard

Friday, February 12, 2016

Deconstructing America’s ‘Deep State’

Americans perceive what has happened to their democratic Republic only dimly, tricked by rightists who call all collective government actions bad and by neoliberals who make “markets” a new-age god. But ex-congressional budget official Mike Lofgren shows how this “Deep State” really works, writes Chuck Spinney. By Chuck Spinney Just about everyone knows something is dangerously wrong with our nation’s…
from Propaganda Guard

Neocon Freak-out over Syria

Neocon-dominated Official Washington is in freak-out mode about the success of the Russian-backed Syrian army around Aleppo, reviving long-discredited claims about “moderate” rebels and ignoring Al Qaeda’s key presence. This neocon frenzy also demands a new Cold War, as ex-CIA analyst Paul R. Pillar notes. By Paul R. Pillar There is no shortage of certitude in American…
from Propaganda Guard

Netanyahu’s Fortress Israel

Ignoring Israel’s founding ideals about justice and compassion, Prime Minister Netanyahu and other leaders are guiding the nation into the inevitable direction of a racist apartheid state, building walls against the Arab “wild beasts,” a tragedy that Alon Ben-Meir examines. By Alon Ben-Meir The demagoguery of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu seems to have no…
from Propaganda Guard

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Hillary Clinton’s Pay-for-Play Reality

Whatever one thinks about Hillary Clinton’s sincerity when she professes progressive values, the undeniable reality is that she has immersed herself for decades in the corrupting sludge of Official Washington and its sleazy pay-for-play schemes with Wall Street and other power centers, as JP Sottile explains. By JP Sottile It was supposed to be a…
from Propaganda Guard

Who Would Dr. King Endorse?

Hillary Clinton won endorsements from Congressional Black Caucus members while civil rights legend Harry Belafonte came out for Bernie Sanders. But another question is who would Martin Luther King Jr. have supported since he – like Sanders – advocated for “democratic socialism,” as Jeff Cohen recalls. By Jeff Cohen Corporate mainstream media have sanitized and…
from Propaganda Guard

BBC Imagines World War III

Believing their own propaganda about “Russian aggression,” Western leaders are building up NATO forces in the Baltic states, which treat ethnic Russians as second-class citizens, possibly provoking a nuclear showdown that no one wants and that a searing BBC documentary imagines, writes Gilbert Doctorow. By Gilbert Doctorow The documentary film “World War Three: Inside the War Room” was…
from Propaganda Guard

How Crimeans See Ukraine Crisis

Two years ago, the Maidan uprising ousted Ukraine’s elected president, prompting resistance in Crimea and eastern Ukraine, with Crimeans voting overwhelmingly to reunify with Russia, a move that then sparked a new cold war. As propaganda enveloped this issue, Natylie Baldwin went to see for herself last fall. By Natylie Baldwin We had boarded the bus…
from Propaganda Guard

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Turkey’s Revival of a Dirty ‘Deep State’

Exclusive: NATO keeps backing Turkey, one of its members, despite its aid to the Islamic State and other jihadists fighting Syria’s secular government — and even though Turkey’s erratic President Erdogan may be leading NATO into a risky showdown with Syria’s Russian allies, writes Jonathan Marshall. By Jonathan Marshall Turkey’s embattled President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is resurrecting the “deep…
from Propaganda Guard

Saudis Goad Obama to Invade Syria

Exclusive: Syrian rebels, including dominant jihadist elements, torpedoed Geneva peace talks by setting preconditions to come to the table. But the maneuver also renewed pressure on President Obama to commit to a “regime-change” invasion of Syria alongside Saudi and other Sunni armies, as Joe Lauria explains. By Joe Lauria The Russian-backed Syrian Army’s encirclement of Aleppo,…
from Propaganda Guard

Hillary Clinton’s Very Bad Night

Exclusive: The magnitude of Hillary Clinton’s New Hampshire drubbing has establishment Democrats wringing their hands as it dawns on them that no candidate in modern U.S. political history has bounced back from a 22-point loss in that first-in-the-nation primary to win the White House, reports Robert Parry. By Robert Parry Former Secretary of State Hillary…
from Propaganda Guard

Inventing the Right’s ‘Metanarrative’

For decades, the Koch Brothers have funded a massive propaganda operation to disparage what democracy can do when a society pulls together and to glorify a “greed is good” narrative promising great benefits if capitalism reigns free. But the results have been good only for a privileged few, as Michael Winship describes. By Michael Winship…
from Propaganda Guard

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

In Case You Missed…

Some of our special stories in January focused on the worsening crisis in relations between the United States and Russia, the danger of a wider war around Syria, the triumph of propaganda over reason in American foreign policy, and developments in Campaign 2016. “Hearing the Russian Perspective” by Gilbert Doctorow, Jan. 2, 2016 “How Obama…
from Propaganda Guard

How Washington’s New Rich Live

The twin explosions of post-9/11 national security extravagance and Citizens United political spending bonanza have reshaped Washington — not only in its political outlook but physically, with this New Class preferring lavish McMansions to show off their newfound wealth, as Mike Lofgren describes. By Mike Lofgren In 1927, H.L. Mencken rode by train through the…
from Propaganda Guard

The Meaning Behind the Sanders Surge

What is most startling about the excited response to Sen. Sanders’s campaign is that millions of Americans seem to be saying that free-market capitalism is failing them and that there must be something better than accepting vast income inequality, as economist Richard Wolff explained to Dennis J Bernstein. By Dennis J Bernstein Sen. Bernie Sanders’s…
from Propaganda Guard

Monday, February 8, 2016

Rightists Sell Anti-Government Message

Since Ronald Reagan, the Republicans have rallied many Americans around the notion that “government is the problem.” And, despite disasters for the middle and working classes, right-wing intellectuals like Charles Krauthammer continue to sell the same message, as Lawrence Davidson describes. By Lawrence Davidson Charles Krauthammer is the most celebrated contemporary conservative thinker in the…
from Propaganda Guard

Ted Cruz’s Religious Play

Sen. Ted Cruz – known for his brash, boastful and brutal proclamations – is remaking himself in the image of the Lord Savior as he appeals to the Republican Religious Right to pave his way to the GOP nomination and the White House, as Bill Moyers and Gail Ablow describe. By Bill Moyers and Gail…
from Propaganda Guard

Sunday, February 7, 2016

A Look at Ukraine’s Dark Side

Exclusive: Americans have been carefully shielded from the ugly underbelly of Ukraine’s Maidan uprising in 2014 that overthrew the elected president and installed a U.S.-backed, fiercely anti-Russian regime which has unleashed armed neo-Nazis. But a French documentary has dared to expose this grim reality, as Gilbert Doctorow describes. By Gilbert Doctorow A new French documentary…
from Propaganda Guard

Still Sabotaging the Iran-Nuke Deal

Since Israel and the influential U.S. neocons never wanted the Iranian nuclear deal, many U.S. politicians – including presidential candidates – are lining up to sabotage the agreement by finding new excuses to sanction Iran. This trick is a dangerous game, writes ex-CIA analyst Paul R. Pillar. By Paul R. Pillar The agreement to limit…
from Propaganda Guard

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Risking World War III in Syria

Exclusive: After Saudi-backed Syrian rebels balked at peace talks and the Russian-backed Syrian army cut off Turkish supply lines to jihadists and other Syrian rebels, the U.S. and its Mideast Sunni “allies” appear poised to invade Syria and force “regime change” even at the risk of fighting Russia, a gamble with nuclear war, writes Joe…
from Propaganda Guard

Behind the North Korean Nuke Crisis

Exclusive: One fallout from the Hillary Clinton-led “regime change” in Libya – after Muammar Gaddafi gave up his WMD deterrence – is that North Korea keeps building up its nuclear-weapon program. Its leaders don’t want to suffer Gaddafi’s grisly fate, another case of how war can exacerbate other tensions, notes Jonathan Marshall. By Jonathan Marshall…
from Propaganda Guard

Friday, February 5, 2016

I will not allow my daughter to be a victim of gender equality

Our culture is very dedicated to the false notion of “gender equality.” We’ve been working for many years to achieve an androgynous utopia where women are treated as men and men as women, and where there is no distinguishable difference between the sexes.

For the most part, the process has been voluntary. The truly helpless victims of gender equality have been the babies sacrificed and murdered on its altar. But now the drive to make the genders equal has brought another heinous evil upon us, and a new crop of victims.

I mentioned earlier this week that top military brass just endorsed the idea of forcing women to sign up for the draft. It’s not a law yet, but it seems inevitable that it will be. For some reason, this news has been met with only moderate outrage. They’re talking about giving the government the power to send OUR DAUGHTERS off to be blown apart on the battlefield, and very few people seem to be upset about it.

Even if a war necessitating a reactivation of the draft never comes — and I believe it will, eventually — it’s still an unspeakable disgrace that our country would be prepared to forcibly ship a bunch of teenage girls off to fight. I cannot put into words just how utterly reprehensible it is. My disgust with this nation knows no bounds at this point.

Of course, some conservatives have celebrated it with a kind of “that THAT, feminists” attitude. These people seem to forget that my daughter isn’t a feminist, my daughter never asked for this, but my daughter will be the one who pays the price. Or maybe yours will, because, actually, my daughter will not participate. If I have to break the law, I will. If I have to leave the country, I will.

Gender equality has claimed many victims, and my daughter will not be one of them:

The post I will not allow my daughter to be a victim of gender equality appeared first on The Matt Walsh Blog.

from Propaganda Guard

Giving Peace Very Little Chance

Exclusive: What the next U.S. president can do to bring endless warfare to an end is one of the most important issues of Campaign 2016, but it is getting only a cursory treatment in debates as politicians seem to fear neocon wrath if they seek peace, writes Robert Parry. By Robert Parry After nearly 15…
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How Fox News Undercut Trump

The Republican Establishment, led by powerful media boss Fox News’ Roger Ailes, undercut Donald Trump’s anti-Establishment campaign with some last-minute maneuvers in Iowa, including baiting Trump to boycott a Fox debate, as JP Sottile explains. By JP Sottile Something really strange happened on the way to the Iowa Caucus. The strange thing is not that…
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Thursday, February 4, 2016

The Reality of Robert Gates

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Hillary Clinton’s ‘Progressive’ Persona

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Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Shaking Up the Democratic Party

By demanding a “revolution” to shift power away from Wall Street, Sen. Sanders is attracting millions of young Americans who want fundamental change. He’s also upsetting the Democratic establishment which favors only incremental “reforms” acceptable to corporate interests, as Norman Solomon notes. By Norman Solomon Forty-eight years ago, a serious insurrection jeopardized the power structure of the…
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Seeking More Cold War with Cuba

The neocons who dominate Official Washington speak most loudly through their flagship newspaper, The Washington Post, almost always seeking confrontation rather than cooperation in addressing the world’s problems, such as Cold War-era hostility toward Cuba, as ex-CIA analyst Paul R. Pillar explains. By Paul R. Pillar A Washington Post editorial proclaims in its headline, “Failure…
from Propaganda Guard

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Ted Cruz Has No Style And No Personality. That’s Why It’s A Good Sign He’s Winning.

As you probably heard, Ted Cruz won the Iowa caucus in dominating fashion last night. He outperformed his polls by 5 points, outdid Trump by 4, and earned more Iowa caucus votes than any Republican in history. Trump, meanwhile, almost came in third due to an impressive surge from Rubio. If Carson, who sucked 9 percent of the social conservative vote from Rubio and Cruz, has dropped out before Iowa, Trump would have landed in a distant third.

As you can imagine, I’m pretty ecstatic. It’s still early, but the great “winner” was given a chance to prove he can win, and he lost. And I couldn’t be more delighted about that.

But there’s another reason why the Cruz victory, and his success in the polls leading up to last night, brings me hope. People say Ted Cruz is awkward, boring, weird looking, and lacks any semblance of style or charm. And they’re right. I agree with those observations. The guy is a total bummer on a personality level. If we were in fifth grade I probably wouldn’t invite him to my sleepover.

Yet he has a lot of support in spite of these stylistic flaws. What does that tell us? It tells us a sizable portion of the conservative base wants to vote for ideas, principles, and substance. It tells us that a lot of us don’t care if the guy is cool or entertaining or fun, we just want a candidate who shares our values and has the competency to lead the nation. That’s all we care about.

Whether you like Cruz or not, you should agree that it’s a good sign when voters flock to the ideas guy rather than the circus clown. There’s reason to celebrate that, no matter which candidate you prefer.

I’ve also got some other observations about Hillary, Bernie, Trump, Carson, and the kid who appeared to be on some very powerful drugs at the Hillary rally last night. Read on:


The post Ted Cruz Has No Style And No Personality. That’s Why It’s A Good Sign He’s Winning. appeared first on The Matt Walsh Blog.

from Propaganda Guard

Hillary Clinton’s Hawkish Record

Surviving Iowa in a dead heat with Sen. Bernie Sanders, ex-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton now hopes her establishment-backed campaign will grind down her opposition and pave the way for her presidential nomination. But many Democrats remain leery of her hawkish foreign policy, writes Marjorie Cohn. By Marjorie Cohn Hillary Clinton likes to extol her foreign policy credentials, particularly…
from Propaganda Guard

Monday, February 1, 2016

Feeding the Military-Industrial Complex

Exclusive: Because he had commanded Allied forces in World War II, President Eisenhower understood the excesses of the war industry and warned Americans about the dangers of the military-industrial complex, a force that continues to siphon off tens of billions of tax dollars, as Jonathan Marshall explains. By Jonathan Marshall America’s military procurement machine may…
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