We are living in fascinating times. The efforts expended to destroy and delegitimize Trump are unprecedented and extraordinary. Paul Criag Roberts identifies the forces aligned against Trump and the tactics being used. A conspiracy is a group of people working together in a clandestine way to achieve a trecherous or evil goal. Shutting down free speech and slandering those who are speaking truth to power may be the ultimate end game in this new onslaught of russian hacking propaganda beyond simply attacking Trump.
In the following article Roberts destroys the credibility of propornot.org the anonoymous group at the center of the fake news meme going viral.
Whatever you think of Trump, clearly the oligarchs who rule us fear him. The oligarchs are trying to keep Trump out of the presidency, and they are trying to associate truthful reporting with foreign influence.
Who wins this war determines the fate of America.
The Conspiracy to Shut Down Truth, Donald Trump, and The American People
The Conspiracy to Shut Down Truth, Donald Trump, and The American People
There is circumstantial evidence that the Washington Post, the New York Times, and the rest of the presstitute media are part of a conspiracy with the oligarchs, the military/security complex, the Hillary Democrats, and neoconized Republicans to shut down the dissident Internet alternative media and to deny Donald Trump the presidency.
ider the brand new website PropOrNot and its fake news list of 200 Internet Russian agents. PropOrNot is a website hidden behind multiple screens as would be an offshore tax avoidance scheme. In other words, no known, responsible entity is behind the site, which has libeled 200 other websites, or if it is, it is too ashamed of what it is doing to be associated with it publicly.
Consider the expertise and money required to shield the identity of an organization, whether tax avoidance or website. This is not something that just anyone can do. This type of Klingon cloaking requires real money or the CIA.
As long as it pretends to be a newspaper, the Washington Post is subject to journalistic ethics. But the PropOrNot story by Craig Timberg violated journalistic ethics. Unsupported accusations were leveled against 200 websites, a McCarthyism record.
How did a story, which would have been instantly quashed by editors in my day as a Wall Street Journal editor get past Timberg’s editor?
That is the question.
Here we have the Post committing libel against 200 websites, all of whom can sue for damages. There go Bezos’ billions.
Would a Washington Post editor of any intelligence have published such a libel-inviting story unless the owner, Bezos, gave the OK or the order?
How can the Washington Post feel secure in an act of libel?
The post What is This Russian Hacking Propaganda All About? appeared first on PropagandaGuard.
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