Thursday, September 27, 2018

Privatization, the EU and a Bridge

A Genoa bridge that collapsed last month killing 43 people is privately owned, but a key factor that has slowe basic infrastructure investment in Italy in recent years is the fall of the EU, reports Andrew Spannaus.   By Andrew Spannaus in…
from Propaganda Guard

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Will ‘God’ Save Kavanaugh?

That attitudes may not have changed from an older generation to Kavanaugh’s — and may have gotten still worse, and not only at elitist Georgetown Prep, but in society at large — is sad beyond telling, says Ray McGovern. By…
from Propaganda Guard

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Being Julian Assange

As Julian Assange’s fate may soon be resolved, here’s an in-depth look at the history of WikiLeaks, the infiltration of activist communities and the strength & vulnerability of the world-changing publisher whose freedom is at stake, by Suzie Dawson. By…
from Propaganda Guard

The Battle for Our Minds

There are battlefields in Syria, Ukraine, Yemen, and elsewhere, but given the state of corporate media, perhaps the most consequential battle now being fought is for our minds, says Patrick Lawrence. By Patrick Lawrence Special to Consortium News After reading…
from Propaganda Guard

Monday, September 24, 2018

Teachers’ Strikes May Reinvigorate US Labor Movement

Events of recent weeks shows there’s gut-level support for radical change, including on the state of education and teacher’s working conditions. This building momentum could help spark a new labor movement, argues Andy Piascik. By Andy Piascik Last spring, public…
from Propaganda Guard

Friday, September 21, 2018

The New York Times as Judge and Jury

Seeking to uphold its credibility, The New York Times dispenses with the criminal justice system and basic principles of journalism to weigh in again on Russia-gate, reports Joe Lauria. By Joe Lauria Special to Consortium News We’ve seen it before:…
from Propaganda Guard

Thursday, September 20, 2018

CN Radio—Episode 3: Gareth Porter on DHS Deception & Bi-Partisan Fear of Revolt

The DHS deceptively pushed the story that Russia hacked U.S. voter databases; and both Democratic & Republican elites fear popular revolt against their failed polices but refuse to change, as Gareth Porter explains. The guest on Episode 3 of Consortium…
from Propaganda Guard

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Hold the Front Page: The Reporters are Missing

So much of mainstream journalism has descended to the level of a cult-like formula of bias, hearsay and omission. Subjectivism is all; slogans and outrage are proof enough. What matters is “perception,” says John Pilger. By John Pilger Special to Consortium…
from Propaganda Guard

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Justice Dept Likely to Slow-walk Declassification

President Trump has ordered Russia-gate data to be declassified  but will likely be stonewalled, raising questions about whether Trump is his own man, writes Ray McGovern. By Ray McGovern Special to Consortium News Don’t hold your breath. While the media…
from Propaganda Guard

The West Against the Rest or The West Against Itself?

The West’s illiberal-bashing frenzy has reduced what should be a crucial debate about a fearful West Against the Rest, to the more pressing issue of The West Against Itself, writes Pepe Escobar. By Pepe Escobar Special to Consortium News What…
from Propaganda Guard

Monday, September 17, 2018

The Donald in Wonderland

One question as we head to the November midterm elections, a referendum on the president, is: Could Donald Trump be a one-man version of either Enron or Lehman Brothers, someone who cooked “the books” until he implodes?  By Nomi Prins TomDispatch Once…
from Propaganda Guard

How Yasser Arafat Led the Palestinians to Trump’s ‘Deal of the Century’

Compromises made by the late PLO leader have the paved the way for the most humiliating deal offered the Palestinians yet, comments As’ad AbuKhalil.  By As`ad AbuKhalil Special to Consortium News The Trump administration is hard at work on the…
from Propaganda Guard

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Corbyn Might Long Regret Capitulation on Anti-Semitism

The decision by the Labour Party’s National Executive Committee to adopt the IHRA’s contested anti-Semitism definition is a victory for the Israel lobby and for forces on both sides of the Atlantic seeking to stifle criticism of Mideast policy, argues…
from Propaganda Guard

Friday, September 14, 2018

Freedom Flotilla Missions Will Continue ‘Until Palestine Is Free’

The bold journey of the 2018 Freedom Flotilla Coalition dared Palestinians and the world to dream of peace, dignity and freedom for all. Now, we must keep working to build a culture of nonviolence, writes Elizabeth Murray. By Elizabeth Murray…
from Propaganda Guard

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Brett Kavanaugh Threatens Racial Justice & Voting Rights

Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s disturbing record on racial issues would put the Voting Rights Act in further jeopardy if he were to be confirmed to the Supreme Court, argues Marjorie Cohn. By Marjorie Cohn Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s record on racial issues…
from Propaganda Guard

Consortium News Unveils New Logo

Consortium News on Thursday unveils a new logo, the first redesign of the publication’s nameplate in several years. The new design changes the name of the publication in the logo from to its more commonly used name, Consortium News.…
from Propaganda Guard

Why the U.S. Seeks to Hem in Russia, China and Iran

America’s three principal adversaries signify the shape of the world to come: a post-Western world of coexistence. But neolibera and neocon ideology is unable to to accept global pluralism and multipolarity, argues Patrick Lawrence. By Patrick Lawrence Special to Consortium…
from Propaganda Guard

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Solving Italy’s Immigration Crisis

Europe must join forces to govern immigration—supporting development in impacted African countries and integration in the most dynamic economies—because one country alone cannot end this problem, writes Attilio Moro. By Attilio Moro in Brussels Special to Consortium News Look at Via…
from Propaganda Guard

On the Brink with Russia in Syria Again, 5 Years Later

It’s deja-vu all over again in Syria, with the U.S. on the verge of a confrontation with Russia as Donald Trump faces his biggest decision yet, as Ray McGovern explains. By Ray McGovern Special to Consortium News The New York…
from Propaganda Guard

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Beyond Bolton: The Path to a Progressive Foreign Policy

America’s miserable record over 30 years should make it clear a serious and genuine commitment to the rule of international law offers a more viable way forward than the “law of the jungle,” argue Nicholas Davies and Medea Benjamin. By Nicolas…
from Propaganda Guard

Monday, September 10, 2018

Letter from Britain: The Real Reason for the ‘Anti-Semite’ Campaign Against Jeremy Corbyn

Panic is driving the smear attack against the Labour Party leader. Jeremy Corbyn’s background as a radical socialist, not his criticism of Israel and support for the Palestinian struggle, makes him a threat to the British establishment’s hold on power,…
from Propaganda Guard

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Support Our Commitment to Independent Journalism

Consortium News is today launching its Fall Fund Drive so it can continue its mission as a trusted source of independent news and views. Robert Parry founded Consortium News in 1995 as a place for journalists to publish stories their…
from Propaganda Guard

Moscow Has Upped the Ante in Syria

As Syrian forces backed by Russia launch the final showdown in Syria against jihadist extremists in Idlib province, the potential for a U.S.-Russia confrontation has never been greater, as VIPS warns in this memo to the president. September 9, 2018 MEMORANDUM…
from Propaganda Guard

World Scholars, Artists, Activists Call for Demilitarization of Okinawa

More than one hundred scholars, peace activists and artists from around the world have issued a statement condemning the Japanese and U.S. governments’ plans to build a new base for the US Marine Corps in Northern Okinawa. To: Prime Minister of…
from Propaganda Guard

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Consortium News on Flash Points: Max Blumenthal, As’ad AbuKhalil and Diana Johnstone

The second episode of Consortium News on Flash Points focuses on two different perspectives on John McCain and the real meaning of Russian interference in U.S. politics. In collaboration with Dennis Bernstein, host of Pacifica Radio’s syndicated show Flash Points,…
from Propaganda Guard

Thursday, September 6, 2018

The Establishment’s Bi-Partisan Fear of Popular Revolt

Right and left insurgencies in the 2016 U.S. election spooked the bi-partisan Establishment. Gareth Porter explains how they are responding. By Gareth Porter The two most powerful think tanks in Washington, representing center-left and center-right political elites, have responded to…
from Propaganda Guard

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Plutocracy Now!

The United States today qualifies as a plutocracy – on a number of grounds, and it is having a profound impact on the media, education and think tanks–indeed on the whole of society, says Michael Brenner.  By Michael Brenner Plutocracy…
from Propaganda Guard

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Ellsberg Says Assange, as a Journalist, Can’t Be Tried Under Espionage Act

In an interview with Consortium News Editor-in-Chief Joe Lauria, Pentagon Papers whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg says the Espionage Act, under which he was indicted, cannot apply to Julian Assange because he is a journalist.  Speaking during an online vigil for Assange…
from Propaganda Guard

NEW— Consortium News Launches Audio and Video Podcasts

Consortium News announces today that its audio and video productions will be available as podcasts on iTunes, Spotify and other popular hosts.  Consortium News Radio and Consortium News Video productions will be archived as podcasts on a variety of hosts,…
from Propaganda Guard

Monday, September 3, 2018

John McCain: The View from the Middle East

Being on the deadly end of his policies, many Arabs view John McCain in a very different way than the U.S. mass media has presented him.   By As`ad AbuKhalil Special to Consortium News It is not unusual that Arabs and Americans…
from Propaganda Guard