Sunday, July 31, 2016
Lurching Toward World War III
from Propaganda Guard
Saturday, July 30, 2016
The Fallacy of ‘Regime Change’ Strategies
from Propaganda Guard
Sheriff Arpaio Paved the Way for Trump
from Propaganda Guard
Friday, July 29, 2016
Hillary Clinton and Her Hawks
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Thursday, July 28, 2016
The Content of Donald Trump’s Character
from Propaganda Guard
Democrats Adopt a More Progressive Tone
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Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Coups Inside NATO: A Disturbing History
from Propaganda Guard
The Fear of Hillary’s Foreign Policy
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Poverty Protests at RNC/DNC Conventions
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Tuesday, July 26, 2016
Trump as the Reagan Reboot
from Propaganda Guard
When Black Lives Surely Didn’t Matter
from Propaganda Guard
Monday, July 25, 2016
You Can’t Be Pro-Abortion And ‘Personally Opposed to Abortion’ At The Same Time
I’ve addressed nearly every argument related to abortion at this point, except this one. I thought about it this weekend after Hillary Clinton announced her VP selection. She chose a guy named Tim Kaine who, although he votes like a rabid abortion enthusiast, still claims that he’s “personally opposed” to the procedure. As a “practicing Catholic” he says abortion is immoral, yet he still supports a “woman’s right” to get abortions.
This is a very popular stance. In my experience, a lot of “personally pro-life” folks feel this way. In fact, polls show that a majority of the people who support “abortion rights” will not necessarily claim that abortion is morally acceptable. I suppose this view is seen as some kind of compromise between the dark evil of abortion and the unassailable rightness of the pro-life side. The people in this category feel like they’re the most reasonable adults in the room, and believe that they’ve staked out the most clever and nuanced position.
But it’s not clever and it’s not nuanced. It’s incoherent. An intelligent, decent human being cannot admit that abortion is child murder, but STILL support a woman’s right to murder children. Just imagine how that position would look if applied to any other violent act: “Gee, I’m not personally in favor of rape, but I won’t interfere with a man’s right to rape women.” Horrible, isn’t it?
You cannot claim the “I’m against it but I think it should be legal” position. It’s not a real position. It makes no sense at all. There are only two options with abortion: for it completely, or against it completely. Here’s why:
The post You Can’t Be Pro-Abortion And ‘Personally Opposed to Abortion’ At The Same Time appeared first on The Matt Walsh Blog.
from Propaganda Guard
Israel’s Tightening But Weakening Grip
from Propaganda Guard
How US Propaganda Fuels New Cold War
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Robot-Delivered Death in Dallas
from Propaganda Guard
Sunday, July 24, 2016
Afghanistan: President Obama’s Vietnam
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Welcome to Vietnam, Mr. President
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Saturday, July 23, 2016
Hillary-Kaine: Back to the Center
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Behind Turkey’s Post-Coup Crisis
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Study Says Drones Generate More Terrorism
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Friday, July 22, 2016
Trump’s Midnight in America
from Propaganda Guard
Will NYT Retract Latest Anti-Russian ‘Fraud’?
from Propaganda Guard
Erdogan Suspects US Sympathy for Coup
from Propaganda Guard
Thursday, July 21, 2016
Conservatives, If We Want Unity, We Have To Unite Around Our Principles
Ted Cruz was booed off the stage last night for defending conservative principles without kissing Trump’s ring. He congratulated Trump and urged voters to go to the polls. Apparently that was not enough. It was not “unifying.”
If we cannot unite around our principles, as conservatives, we are doomed.
I ask you to read my post today all the way to the end so that you can understand what I’m trying to say. Before anyone accuses me of trying to throw the election to Hillary, they need to read and comprehend my message. This is, in my opinion, the most important thing I’ve written about this election.
At this point, I understand why a conservative might drag himself mournfully to the polls to vote for Trump. I also understand why he might not. The only thing I don’t understand is, first of all, voting for Hillary, and second of all, voting for Trump and then attacking any conservative whose conscience wouldn’t allow him to pull the lever. We all must follow our hearts now, and I respect anyone who does that, whether it leads him to Trump or not.
Here’s the point: if we are going to have unity then it must come around our beliefs. Not around the Party. Not around Trump. We have to face the fact that, no matter what happens in November, we will not have a conservative in office. Conservatism will be exiled regardless. This is why we must come together and find unity in our shared belief system.
What troubles me so greatly is not that some conservatives will begrudgingly vote for Trump — that I can understand — but that so many seem to have abandoned their principles for the sake of unifying around a man who doesn’t share them. We cannot do that. Vote how you must, but hold fast to your principles. You will need them now more than ever:
The post Conservatives, If We Want Unity, We Have To Unite Around Our Principles appeared first on The Matt Walsh Blog.
from Propaganda Guard
US-Backed Syrian ‘Moderates’ Behead 12-Year-Old
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Failed Turkish Coup’s Big-Power Impact
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Stomping the Embers of Turkey’s Democracy
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VP Choice Pence Reaffirms Israel Devotion
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VP Choice Pence Reaffirms Israel Devotion
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Wednesday, July 20, 2016
Why Public Needs Go Begging
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GOP Crazy Talk Comes to Cleveland
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Turkey’s Nukes: A Sum of All Fears
from Propaganda Guard
Tuesday, July 19, 2016
‘Fraud’ Alleged in NYT’s MH-17 Report
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In Case You Missed…
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Monday, July 18, 2016
America’s Failure to Protect Voting
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Israel’s Wolf-Crying about Iran’s Bomb
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Turkey’s Faltering Democracy
from Propaganda Guard
Sunday, July 17, 2016
MH-17: Two Years of Anti-Russian Propaganda
from Propaganda Guard
Saturday, July 16, 2016
The Long-Hidden Saudi-9/11 Trail
from Propaganda Guard
How the Right Tears Down America
from Propaganda Guard
Turkey’s Lose-Lose Coup Attempt
from Propaganda Guard
The New Cold War’s Frontline in Crimea
from Propaganda Guard
Friday, July 15, 2016
What Really Happened in Syria
from Propaganda Guard
America’s Unbridged Racial Divide
from Propaganda Guard
Thursday, July 14, 2016
Still Sabotaging the Iran-Nuke Agreement
from Propaganda Guard
Western Propaganda for a New Cold War
from Propaganda Guard
Dear Transphobic Ultrasound Technician, How Dare You Assign A Gender To Our Baby!
Guys, I need you to read this. I need to tell you about something terrible that happened to me. This was one of the most traumatic things I’ve had to write, and I hope you will read it carefully, in a spirit of respect and understanding.
As I’ve mentioned on Facebook before, my wife is pregnant. We recently went for an ultrasound, only to be unexpectedly assaulted by the worst kind of bigotry and close mindedness you can imagine. The ultrasound technician observed a penis and declared — right then and there, completely on her own and without warning — that we’re having a “boy.”
I have never been so outraged in my life. Who is she to ASSUME that a penis automatically means our child is a boy? Who is she to ASSIGN a gender based on something as meaningless and utterly arbitrary as a reproductive organ? You can’t just go around observing physical realities and drawing basic conclusions based on them. I am overwhelmed by the bigotry and transphobia.
It took me a couple of weeks to recover and put my thoughts together, but I finally wrote this letter to the ultrasound technician who cruelly victimized my family. My purpose is to instruct her about the recent advancements in science that have revealed the undeniable fact that girls can have penises, and also to inform her of the impending multi-million dollar lawsuit that I filed in the name of tolerance.
This letter is very personal to me, but I believe it brings to light an important issue, which is why I’m publishing it. Please meditate up it, learn from it, and share it with your bigoted friends and family members. We still have a lot of work to do as a society:
The post Dear Transphobic Ultrasound Technician, How Dare You Assign A Gender To Our Baby! appeared first on The Matt Walsh Blog.
from Propaganda Guard
GOP Ups Ante on Clinton’s Israel Pander
from Propaganda Guard
Ramstein: A Key Link in the Kill Chain
from Propaganda Guard
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
NFL’s Crazy Conspiracy Theory Prevails
from Propaganda Guard
Free Trade and a Textile Fire Tragedy
from Propaganda Guard
If Black Lives Really Matter To You, Stop Ignoring The Slaughter Of Black Babies
My new post covers more than just what the title suggests. I wanted to write as exhaustive and definitive a critique of Black Lives Matter as possible. Give it a read and a share.
There are many problems with the movement, but my goal here is to explain its primary problem. And, as I detail, the primary problem with Black Lives Matter is that its supporters and members don’t appear to actually believe that black lives matter.
I’m not saying they should never speak out against police brutality when it actually occurs, but I am saying that their denouncement of police brutality is impossible to take seriously when it’s the ONLY form of brutality they oppose. By most estimates, police kill a few hundred black people a year. Most of those shootings are completely legitimate and lawful, but even if they were all unlawful, they would still pale in comparison to the carnage inflicted on the black community by abortionists.
The abortion industry kills more blacks in ONE DAY than cops kill in 700 days. The abortion industry has reduced the entire black population by over 30 percent. Cops have hardly made a dent in that regard, and probably have increased the population by protecting and serving it. How can you possibly pretend to care about black lives while completely ignoring what is, without question, the greatest threat to black life?
And that’s to say nothing of the brutality the black community inflicts on itself in the form of drug and gang violence. Again, the dehumanization of black Americans brought on by the crime culture in the inner city far, far outweighs the injustices visited upon it by a few bad apple cops.
If you believe that black lives matter, it’s time to apply the principle consistently, and that starts with speaking out against abortion:
The post If Black Lives Really Matter To You, Stop Ignoring The Slaughter Of Black Babies appeared first on The Matt Walsh Blog.
from Propaganda Guard
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
GOP’s Last Line of Anti-Trump Defense
from Propaganda Guard
Iraq War, an Unaccountable Crime
from Propaganda Guard
Monday, July 11, 2016
NATO Reaffirms Its Bogus Russia Narrative
from Propaganda Guard
‘War on Terror’ Blowback Hits Dallas
from Propaganda Guard
Chicago Police Adopt Israeli Tactics
from Propaganda Guard
NATO as an ‘Entangling Alliance’
from Propaganda Guard
Sunday, July 10, 2016
A Modest Proposal: An Irish AIPAC
from Propaganda Guard
Clinton’s Disregard of Secrecy Laws
from Propaganda Guard
Europe’s NATO Ambivalence
from Propaganda Guard
Obama: Out of Many Sides of His Mouth
from Propaganda Guard
Saturday, July 9, 2016
Inclusion Propaganda
Inclusion Propaganda: It’s the nice, acceptable thing to do
Accept everyone no matter how violently their beliefs and/or behaviors contrast with your own because… that is the kind thing to do. There will be no hurt feelings of rejection in the new America. Everything/everyone is accepted, nothing is challenged, all are tolerated and/or embraced. Change the basic idea of American equality as understood by the founders from “All people as created share equal rights” to “All people should have equal outcomes and equal acceptance in society” and you have the starting point to understanding inclusion propaganda. Inclusion propaganda is necessary and central to the destruction of the United States as a country. Millions have sought and still seek American shores because it is or at least was a meritcocracy, allowing people from all corners of the globe the opportunity to rise and be accepted according to merit. Millions of others come here because of the values and freedoms contained in the Bill of Rights. Merit and freedoms are the glue that holds the culture together; embrace them and no one much cares what your personal creed is so long as it is not forced mainstream.
Inclusion Propaganda is Blind to “REAL” Differences
Inclusion propaganda is blind to REAL differences and distinctions that make, for example, one type of immigration perferred over another type. Ignoring for a moment the distinction between legal and illegal immigration, think of the difference between one person with only the clothes on their back, little or no money and a burning desire to work hard and succeed as compared to criminals or those coming with the express purpose to immediately take advantage of federal benefits, hospital benefits and other perks. We would and should admire the first type and naem the second type a freeloader who might best be left on the other side of the border.
If you want to combat inclusion propaganda, here is a great article from Personal Liberty that will help explain the necessity of distinctions. Discrimination is not a dirty word. don’t let the propagndists tell you otherwise.
You discriminate every day of your life.
You discriminated when you chose your neighborhood and your house. You discriminated when you chose your job. You discriminated when you chose your church — or when you made the decision to not attend church at all.
You discriminate when you choose your friends. You discriminate when you choose your doctor (or did before Obamacare), your barber, your travel agent. You discriminate when you choose your insurance agent, your auto repair shop, your in-home security monitor, your pest-control service.
You discriminate when you choose which movie to watch, which book to read, which electronic device to buy, which show to watch, which sporting team to follow. You discriminate in your choice of beer. You discriminate in your choice of car: American or foreign.
Life in a free country is about being free to make choices, choices based on your own criteria rather than one mandated by the state. Don’t like fried chicken? Stay out of KFC. Don’t like pizza? Avoid Pizza Hut. Don’t care for seafood? Red Lobster isn’t the only restaurant in town. Denny’s gave you lousy service? Stay away… and tell your friends.
Don’t like how Wal-Mart compensates its workers? Buy your cheap Chinese junk from Target or Kmart — or the local mom and pop store — and your groceries from Publix or Kroger.
Don’t like it that Chick-fil-A’s president supports traditional marriage? Buy your chicken sandwich from Burger King. They’ve gone all in on “gay pride.” Don’t like that Phil Robertson defends traditional marriage? Change your channel. There are probably 175 more on your dial.
Don’t like Muslims? Stay out of the Middle East, mosques, Louis Farrakhan rallies and U.S. prisons — and Deerbornistan, Michigan. Don’t like Jews? Stay out of Israel, New York, Massachusetts, California, synagogues and jewelry stores.
Don’t like kids? Avoid day cares, schools and playgrounds… and sexual intercourse.
Don’t like blacks? Move to Montana, Vermont or Idaho. There aren’t many there.
Don’t like whites? Move to Detroit; Jackson, Mississippi; Miami Gardens, Florida; Birmingham, Alabama; Baltimore; or Memphis, Tennessee. You will see some, but they’ll be the minority.
That’s discrimination. It’s also called liberty, freedom of choice and, in the concept of natural law, freedom of association as guaranteed in the 1st Amendment.
Read more at Personal Liberty
The post Inclusion Propaganda appeared first on PropagandaGuard.
from Propaganda Guard
Russia Pushes Back on NATO Expansion
from Propaganda Guard
US Still Ducks Iraq Accountability
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Lobbying Money Twirls the Political World
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The Warfare Comes Home
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Challenging the New Cold War
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Friday, July 8, 2016
I Wouldn’t Want To Be A Cop Today. Thank God For Those Who Make The Sacrifice.
I’m made equally heartbroken and furious by what happened in Dallas last night. I’m heartbroken when I think of the families who are now left with a huge gaping hole in their lives because of the hatred and wickedness of a racial terrorist. And I’m furious when I think not only of the scumbag who did this, but of the stifling environment of anti-police propaganda that has become so overwhelming and palpable in recent months and years.
There are a lot of blatant lies told about cops and there are many ridiculous fables of hundreds of innocent black men being literally hunted in the street by racist police across the nation, and these deceptions and myths are not created in a vacuum. There are consequences. We are witnessing those consequences. Those who promoted the myths may want to wash their hands of it now, but the fact remains that these people told vicious, disgusting lies about police officers, and now police officers are being actually hunted and executed by a nut job who believed those lies.
When I consider this, I find it somewhat shocking that anyone would choose to be a police officer in this environment. Why die protecting communities that hate you? Why serve people who constantly lie about you and call you racist? But I am not as brave and selfless as the men and women who wear the badge. So I am extraordinarily grateful for them, especially today:
The post I Wouldn’t Want To Be A Cop Today. Thank God For Those Who Make The Sacrifice. appeared first on The Matt Walsh Blog.
from Propaganda Guard
A New Fight Over Syria War Strategy
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NATO Marches Toward Destruction
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Thursday, July 7, 2016
Gaza: Living and Dying with Drones
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Hillary Clinton’s Libyan Fingerprints
from Propaganda Guard
Of Lethal Drones and Police Shootings
from Propaganda Guard
The Nasty Blowback from America’s War
from Propaganda Guard
Wednesday, July 6, 2016
Merkel Urged to Temper NATO’s Belligerence
from Propaganda Guard
Terrorism’s Murky Message
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Hillary Clinton as Damaged Goods
from Propaganda Guard
Hillary Rebuffs Bernie’s Policy Demands
from Propaganda Guard
Tuesday, July 5, 2016
Hillary Clinton Is Above The Law, So The Law Is Dead.
This is one of the most disgraceful political events I’ve ever witnessed. The FBI Director just announced that he will not recommend indictment for Hillary Clinton.
He announced this after spending 10 minutes describing in painstaking detail every crime Hillary Clinton committed. He confirmed beyond a shadow of a doubt that she violated numerous statutes and put national security at risk in the process. He didn’t say it directly but his report made it clear that Clinton lied repeatedly in an attempt to cover up her crimes.
Yet, she won’t be indicted. Others have been convicted of crimes for doing far less, but not Clinton. She will escape prosecution after breaking about 5 different federal laws. And she’ll probably be president at the end of it all.
This is an outrage. It is a travesty. It is an injustice. But I suppose calling it an injustice implies that there is such a thing as justice. There can be no justice in a country where the most powerful are placed explicitly above the law.
That’s what we saw happen this afternoon. We were told, in so many words, that the law does not apply to Hillary Clinton like it applies to us. And if it doesn’t apply to her, then it doesn’t really exist. We live under the rule of men, not law. The law is dead.
History will remember this moment. And so should we:
The post Hillary Clinton Is Above The Law, So The Law Is Dead. appeared first on The Matt Walsh Blog.
from Propaganda Guard
Garrison Keillor’s Prophecy and Apostasy
from Propaganda Guard
Misunderstanding Russia and Russians
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Monday, July 4, 2016
Thomas Jefferson: America’s Founding Sociopath
from Propaganda Guard
Anger at Obama over Immigration
from Propaganda Guard
Sunday, July 3, 2016
MH-17 Probe’s Torture-Implicated Ally
from Propaganda Guard
Poll Disputes Claim of Obama’s Weakness
from Propaganda Guard
Saturday, July 2, 2016
How Hillary Clinton Ignores Peace
from Propaganda Guard
Lost in the Military-Industrial Complex
from Propaganda Guard
Friday, July 1, 2016
Colombia’s Peace Finally at Hand
from Propaganda Guard
When Free Speech Signifies Nothing
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The GOP’s Date from Hell
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