Wednesday, September 30, 2015
More Anti-Russian Bias at the NYT
from Propaganda Guard
Why Iran Is Aiding Syria
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Help Consortiumnews Fight ‘Group Thinks’
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Obama’s Ludicrous ‘Barrel Bomb’ Theme
from Propaganda Guard
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Putin’s Judo Move in Syria
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Value in Reading Others’ Propaganda
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Hillary Clinton’s ‘Wicked’ Syrian Choice
from Propaganda Guard
Obama’s Self-Deceit
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Monday, September 28, 2015
The Power of False Narrative
from Propaganda Guard
Obama’s True Foreign-Policy ‘Weakness’
from Propaganda Guard
Saturday, September 26, 2015
How the World Views US ‘Clown Show’
from Propaganda Guard
Friday, September 25, 2015
Obama’s Flak Demeans Putin’s Posture
from Propaganda Guard
Can Obama Lecture Xi on Human Rights?
from Propaganda Guard
Thursday, September 24, 2015
Giving Up the Global-Cop Badge
from Propaganda Guard
Decline of Western Ethnic States
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The Sneering at China’s President Xi
from Propaganda Guard
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Parry to Receive I.F. Stone Award
from Propaganda Guard
A Prized Iran-Nuke Myth Unraveling
from Propaganda Guard
GOP Vexed over Pope on Climate Change
from Propaganda Guard
The ‘Tempest-tost’ Syrian Refugees
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Blunting the Pope’s Environmentalism
from Propaganda Guard
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Will US Grasp Putin’s Syria Lifeline?
from Propaganda Guard
#ShoutYourAbortion Proves That Modern Liberalism Is A Satanic Death Cult
This is really saying something for me, but this piece might contain the harshest criticism I’ve ever levied at progressive abortion supporters. It’s well deserved.
It’s only Tuesday, after all, and it’s already been a heck of a week for these people. Just a few hours ago, Senate Democrats (and two Judas Republicans) voted down a bill that would ban abortions after 20 weeks. In case you’re not good at math, 20 weeks is 5 months. In the fifth month, babies can be viable outside the womb. Democrats are in favor of murdering children who can survive outside the womb. This is radical, extreme, insane, and completely within the mainstream of liberal thought.
Meanwhile over on Twitter, abortion enthusiasts started a viral #ShoutYourAbortion hashtag. Women were encouraged to brag about their abortions publicly, and many did just that. I give a few examples in this article. It’s as disturbing as you’d expect.
So we have, in just two days, progressives coming out against a bill to protect viable infants from murder, and then encouraging each other to gleefully boast about murdering their children. And this is just a normal couple of days in American liberalism. None of it is outside the ordinary for them.
It’s time we face the fact that “progressivism” is really nothing more than a secular version of Satanism. They don’t worship the Devil himself, but they worship the Self, which is the very definition of Satanism. Moreover, Satanists and liberals agree that the highest and purest expression of empowerment is to murder unborn children. And they agree that our support and endorsement of abortion ought to be total, complete, and without equivocation.
I say this, then, not as an insult or hyperbole, but as a statement of reality. “Progressivism,” for whatever it may have been at one time, is now a death cult. Abortion evangelists have mostly dropped the pretense that abortion should be “safe but rare,” and that abortion is OK only because babies aren’t really people, and moved on to advocating murder for its own sake.
Many progressives — and the #ShoutYourAbortion campaign along with their support for late term abortion bears this out — believe very simply that abortion is acceptable and even laudable because it’s what a woman wants to do. That’s all. That’s it. She wants it. She should get it. Period.
This is what we’re dealing with now. It’s not a matter for intellectual debate because the arguments in favor of infanticide no longer even pretend to be intellectual. This is a complete and total rejection of Natural Law, a complete and total protest against any sort of moral or ethical code, and a complete and total declaration that the desires and whims of the self ought to reign supreme. It is, in other words, Satanism, and I think it’s time we start calling it that:
The post #ShoutYourAbortion Proves That Modern Liberalism Is A Satanic Death Cult appeared first on The Matt Walsh Blog.
from Propaganda Guard
The Frantic Fear of Islam
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Monday, September 21, 2015
A Moral Challenge for Pope Francis
from Propaganda Guard
Russian Role Could Help in Syria
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Saturday, September 19, 2015
Get Parry’s Classic Book, ‘Fooling America’
from Propaganda Guard
Friday, September 18, 2015
Obama’s Fateful Syrian Choice
from Propaganda Guard
Thursday, September 17, 2015
Lost Lessons from a Toddler’s Death
from Propaganda Guard
Congress Deserving of Dunce Caps
from Propaganda Guard
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Neocons Babble Over Syria Crisis
from Propaganda Guard
Was Turkey Behind Syria Sarin Attack?
from Propaganda Guard
Solitary Confinement Under Attack
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The Crisis of ‘Regime Change Refugees’
from Propaganda Guard
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Are Neocons an Existential Threat?
from Propaganda Guard
How Russia Can Help in Syria
from Propaganda Guard
Planned Parenthood Guts Babies And Sells Their Organs, But Who Really Cares?
Another Planned Parenthood video was released today. This one is perhaps the most revealing and damning of them all, with notable moments where officials explicitly plan to cover up and hide their illegal activities, and another where a doctor laughs about severing the “gonads” of dead babies. I call this “revealing and damning” in two ways. For one, it reveals the evil of the abortion industry, but for another, when millions of Americans ignore it like they ignored the other nine, it will reveal something quite damning about our country.
I provide here a bullet point rundown of each clip in the video. If you’re already converted to the pro-life cause and don’t want to necessarily watch the videos because of how much they upset you, I understand. But at least get informed about what’s in them. I try to do that here. I suffered through the video 3 times so I could catalog its contents exactly. Please, please, please, even if you don’t want to share what I have to say on the subject, share something. There aren’t very many people writing about it anymore, but share something. We have been abandoned by the government, the media, and even many “conservatives” who are supposed to be championing our cause. We have few tools at our disposal, so we need to use each to its greatest effect. Social media, especially.
I will warn you that I was in a very dark place when I wrote this. I woke up this morning and saw my children and my wife and I was happy. Then I sat down at my computer and immediately saw this video, watched it several times so I could tell you about it, and it plunged me into an angry and sad state. I don’t regret writing with anger and sadness — honestly, I don’t know how else to approach the holocaust of children — but if you’re looking for something cheerful, this ain’t it.
I’m also at the point where I’m sick to death of so called conservatives who’ve failed to heed the call and rise to the occasion. I name names in this piece. Conservatives with an audience need to be doing EVERYTHING in their power to expose these atrocities and save these children. Many have failed in that regard, and their failure is inexcusable and unforgivable.
So if you want happy thoughts today, don’t click. But if you want to know what’s really going on out there, then read and share:
The post Planned Parenthood Guts Babies And Sells Their Organs, But Who Really Cares? appeared first on The Matt Walsh Blog.
from Propaganda Guard
US Confusion over the Syrian War
from Propaganda Guard
Donald Trump’s Nativist Impulse
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Monday, September 14, 2015
Fall Fund Drive Goal Set at $25,000
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In Case You Missed…
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US Intel Vets Decry CIA’s Use of Torture
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A Challenge to Neoliberal Orthodoxy
from Propaganda Guard
Sunday, September 13, 2015
Who’s to Blame for Syria Mess? Putin!
from Propaganda Guard
Saturday, September 12, 2015
When Does Sensitivity Training Become Indoctrination?
This seems to me to be a very pressing question. Recently St. Petersburg Police underwent sensitivity training regarding transgender issues including terms to avoid and pronouns to use. This training was held in connection with a new police policy being instituted for all “Interactions with Transgender Individuals”
“According to Chief Holloway the recent death of a LGBT individual spurned the new changes.
Clarke’s body was discovered in a Tampa park and was identified by the Hillsborough County sheriff’s officials — after the medical examiner’s evaluation — as a man wearing women’s clothes. The victim’s name was released as Samuel Elija Clarke.
This information was reported by law enforcement and media outlets, until family and friends told authorities that Clarke, 25, had identified as a transgender woman for years. By calling her a man, Clarke was victimized again, Rudisill said.”
The new policy makes it clear that the name and gender listed on a government ID isn’t as important as the name the person wants to be referred to and the gender they identify with when interacting with them and referring to them in the news.
In other words, officials of the state must regard and take seriously the fantasy world of gender identity by using the preferred pronouns. Does this mean that those who identify as black but are white should be named as black on media outlets or what about the person who self-identifies as Jesus Christ?
Have we not gone too far in this fantasy world of self-identification?
There are only two genders each one with its own eternal essence the exact expression of which has wide latitude. Just because there are a wide variety of trees, the essence of a tree remains.
This training for the police is nothing more than government-sponsored indoctrination into this fantasy world, not as barbaric as re-education camps but effective nonetheless.
Indoctrination can be thought of as teaching someone to accept doctrines uncritically. It is typically more heavy-handed and more akin to retraining or brainwashing than propaganda. Indoctrination is the better term when ideas and beliefs are force-fed to those who cannot defend themselves or associated with penalties and recriminations for failures to adopt the intended framework of ideology.
The Defenseless
When attitudes are being promoted in a class of people that are relatively defenseless like children and adolescents, an unfair advantage goes to the teacher. Doctrines can be uncritically smuggled into the child’s psyche before they are old and wise enough to think for themselves and reject such sublimation.
This is the exact topic C.S Lewis wrote about in Abolition of Man and why the government loves to train your children 8 hours a day for 21 years. It is the easiest path to social change that ever existed.
Indoctrination Does Violence To The Other Person’s Autonomy And Right To Self-expression
In the case of the general population who can defend themselves, other techniques must be used to break down resistance to official mind-think.
Indoctrination Techniques
In the media age of the 21st century, heavy-handedness can be inflicted in many ways for those who choose not to go along with the prescribed program:
- Media shame/ridicule- Imagine being slandered on national television- How would your life change?
- Loss of position and prestige especially in government position
- Loss of income/job
- Legal sanctions-fines
- Imprisonment
- Censorship
- Business boycotts etc.
This, my friends is a sanitized version of the soviet gulag. This is retraining American style. The free exchange of ideas in the marketplace is gone.
St. Petersburg police no longer have any freedom of conscience in this matter and will be reprimanded should they act out of line with groupthink now sanctioned as “official” government policy. They risk jobs, positions, income and local prestige should they speak against complete nonsense.
The powers that be have determined that people who identify as the opposite sex should be considered absolutely normal and by the way so should any and all variants of gender confusion.
Re-educate all government employees, infiltrate education with the same ideas and in 10 years, most of America will believe that 2 and 2 make 5.
The post When Does Sensitivity Training Become Indoctrination? appeared first on PropagandaGuard.
from Propaganda Guard
US War Theories Target Dissenters
from Propaganda Guard
Ellsberg Seeks Justice for Vanunu
from Propaganda Guard
Friday, September 11, 2015
‘Regime Change’ Strategy Spreads Chaos
from Propaganda Guard
On Syria, Incoherence Squared
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Neocons Blame Obama for Syria
from Propaganda Guard
Dear Republicans, Defund Planned Parenthood At Any Cost, Or Step Aside
This is my letter to Republican establishment in Congress. Please share it far and wide. I’m done letting these people off the hook.
Planned Parenthood funding was signed into law by a Republican president 46 years ago. They’ve been killing children legally for 43. Republicans have had over 4 decades to halt funding to these death merchants, and during that time, even in just the last decade or so, Republicans have owned all three branches of government. Yet, nothing has been done. They’ve failed us on this point (and many others) for half a century.
It has to end now. Not next year. Not in another 46. Now. Period. Now. The Center for Medical Progress accomplished something unprecedented with those sting videos. After this, Planned Parenthood will tighten their already strict security and become even more secretive than they were before. That means nobody will ever again expose Planned Parenthood the way CMP just did. If we are going to take advantage of their heroic work and actually DO something, it needs to happen now. Now.
This is very simple, which is why I want everyone to read this and understand. If this righteous and morally necessary fight leads to a government shut down, so be it. As far as I’m concerned, if it led to the total abolition of the government, I’d still say it was more than worth it. But here’s the thing: the Republicans wouldn’t be the ones shutting down the government. All they need to do is come up with a clean budget that doesn’t include blood money for infanticidal degenerates. They then send that budget to Obama. Obama vetoes the budget and shuts down the government for the sake of preserving corporate welfare for his friends in the abortion industry.
Dumb Republican cowards have already preemptively accepted responsibility for a shutdown that Obama would cause. They need to stop doing that. Force Democrats to shut the government down in the name of killing babies. Force them to make that case to the American people. Force them to stand publicly upon the bodies of 50 million dead children and explain to the people why we need to keep giving our hard earned money over to the serial killers who butchered them.
There is no solid argument against this course of action. Republicans need to defund Planned Parenthood at ANY cost, and they have the power to do it. If they don’t exercise that power, that’ll be a truly unforgivable failure:
The post Dear Republicans, Defund Planned Parenthood At Any Cost, Or Step Aside appeared first on The Matt Walsh Blog.
from Propaganda Guard
Thursday, September 10, 2015
Madness of Blockading Syria’s Regime
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CIA and the Drug Business
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If Mark Twain Met Donald Trump
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Wednesday, September 9, 2015
More Incoherence in Syria Policy
from Propaganda Guard
Israel Lobby Stops Iran’s Help on Syria
from Propaganda Guard
If You Are A Christian But You Reject Christ’s Teachings, You Are Not A Christian
This is the sort of thing that shouldn’t need to be written, but then I suppose you could say that about everything I write.
There’s this BuzzFeed video going around called “I’m a Christian, But I’m Not.” It’s as bad as you think it will be based on the title, if not worse. As usual, the most disturbing part isn’t the video, but the fact that it apparently resonated with a large number of people, garnering some 60 thousand likes on YouTube, last I checked.
The video features a small collection of trendy “Christian” millennials saying things like “I’m a Christian but I’m not homophobic” and “I’m a Christian but I’m not uneducated.” Next they tell us they’re Christian but they’re “gay” or “queer” or “feminist.” Then they end the video by informing us about the “one thing” everyone should know about the faith.
They each say something about how Christianity is actually “accepting” and it would “never judge you for what you do.” Nobody mentions Jesus. Nobody mentioned Scripture. Nobody mentioned salvation or sin or heaven or hell or good or evil or anything outside of the sort of flimsy secular slogans we all hear a million times a day.
I decided to respond to the video because, well, honestly, it just annoyed me. But also, more importantly, it is yet another example of this fashionable, “up to date,” liberal Christianity that is almost single handedly responsible for the decline of the faith in Western Civilization.
It turns out that Christianity stripped of its moral substance quickly becomes a Christianity stripped of Christ, and what you’re left with is the sort of Christianity promulgated in many churches and in popular videos like this.
It’s a worthless, pointless, boring, banal, hollow, incoherent Christianity. More accurately, it’s simply not Christianity at all:
The post If You Are A Christian But You Reject Christ’s Teachings, You Are Not A Christian appeared first on The Matt Walsh Blog.
from Propaganda Guard
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Realism and the Refugee Crisis
from Propaganda Guard
Monday, September 7, 2015
How Neocons Destabilized Europe
from Propaganda Guard
Sunday, September 6, 2015
Did Saudi King ‘Snub’ Obama on Iran?
from Propaganda Guard
Israel’s Bitter Anti-Iran Fight
from Propaganda Guard
Friday, September 4, 2015
In Bed with the Reactionary Saudis
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Muslim Memories of West’s Imperialism
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Some Technical Problems
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Thursday, September 3, 2015
A Deflategate Slapdown of NFL and MSm
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Dangerous Redefinition of ‘Terrorism’
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Wednesday, September 2, 2015
US/NATO Embrace Psy-ops and Info-War
from Propaganda Guard
The Islamic State Conundrum
from Propaganda Guard
Forcing Girls To Share A Bathroom With A Gender Confused Boy Is Abuse
Prepare yourselves, parents. There are going to be a lot of stories like this in the next few months. The first case has already happened and the school year just started three days ago.
In this situation, a 17 year old boy decided he was actually a girl, and thus should be entitled to use the girls’ locker room and bathroom. The school bent over backwards trying to find a compromise, even offering the guy a private, unisex facility, but that wasn’t good enough. He wanted the girls’ bathroom, and of course, what the girls wanted was entirely irrelevant.
Encouragingly, some of the students in the school didn’t stand for it. They protested this week, insisting it’s not fair to expect girls to use the bathroom or undress around a boy. They’re right, obviously, but it’s worse than that. Let’s be clear: it is ABUSIVE to coerce, intimidate, or otherwise force young girls to share their facilities with a boy. I don’t care if he’s gender confused or not. I don’t care if he wears a wig or not. All I care about, all that matters, all that make a difference, is that he is a boy with boy parts, a boy’s body, a boy’s genetic makeup, a boy’s brain, a boy’s everything. He’s a boy. That’s all. That’s it. That’s the whole story.
Girls (and boys) deserve and are entitled to a safe and private place to change and do their business. It is simply unconscionable and despicable to take that away from them. I’ve heard even some rational folks say that opening up the girls’ room to “transgenders” is “well meaning,” if perhaps misguided. No, it isn’t. It most certainly is not well meaning. It is an ideologically driven, reckless, dangerous ploy to further indoctrinate kids to radical left wing ideas about gender.
There exists not a single compelling reason to let a boy into the girls’ bathroom. Especially in this case, where the kid was already given access to a separate unisex facility. If he wants more than that, guess what? Too bad.
Someone here is going to have to make a sacrifice. Someone here is going to have to be uncomfortable. That someone can either be one boy or several hundred girls. To chose the one over the hundreds is madness, pure and simple. Please read and share:
The post Forcing Girls To Share A Bathroom With A Gender Confused Boy Is Abuse appeared first on The Matt Walsh Blog.
from Propaganda Guard
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
Ukraine Rightists Kill Police; Putin Blamed
from Propaganda Guard
Phase Two of Iran-Deal Sabotage
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