Thursday, December 31, 2015
When New Year’s Meant Freedom
from Propaganda Guard
Probing Bernie Sanders’s Identity
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Mideast’s Expected and Unexpected
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Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Dangerous Punditry on Syria
from Propaganda Guard
Is WP’s Cohen Dumbest Columnist?
from Propaganda Guard
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
One County’s Global Warming Failure
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A Shaky Promise on Global Warming
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Monday, December 28, 2015
The Misinformation Mess
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Saturday, December 26, 2015
The Obsessive Putin-Bashing
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Congress’ Off-Point Iran-Bashing
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Thursday, December 24, 2015
The Grimmer Story Behind ‘Trumbo’
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A Christmas Message of Peace
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A Brief Moment of Christmas Peace
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Wednesday, December 23, 2015
America’s Dying Democracy
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Tuesday, December 22, 2015
The Coming Saudi Crack-up?
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The Myth of ‘Taking Out’ ISIS
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A Call for Proof on Syria-Sarin Attack
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Monday, December 21, 2015
Trump Schools ABC-TV Host on Reality
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The Murder of Yitzhak Rabin
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Seeing ‘Evil’ Everywhere
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In Case You Missed…
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Sunday, December 20, 2015
Get Two Books for the Price of One
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Saturday, December 19, 2015
Neocons Object to Syrian Democracy
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The Real Obstacle to Syrian Peace
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A GOP Split on Neocon Orthodoxy
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Political Carnival Pays Off for TV
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Challenging US Overseas Military Bases
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Friday, December 18, 2015
Sam Parry Receives ‘Gary Webb Award’
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Saudis’ Anti-Terror Window-dressing
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America’s Unpredictable Imbalance
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Rethinking Donald Trump
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How the Puppets Beg
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Thursday, December 17, 2015
The Danger After Putin
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If your church makes Christianity “cool” and comfortable, you should find a new church
This might upset some of you. Maybe that goes without saying.
I read in an article on TheBlaze about Rich Wilkerson, a reality TV star and “celebrity pastor” of a big, hip church in Miami that looks and sounds like a rock concert venue. Pastor Rich believes that his congregants “aren’t looking for religion” because they “don’t want to be told what to do,” but they are looking for a “relationship with a higher power.” Pastor Rich explains that the Gospel isn’t a message of behavior modification. Modifying behavior is totally uncool, yo.
Now, my commentary today isn’t only about him. I’m just using him as a jumping off point. He is, after all, just one of the countless Christian “pastors” who preach this comfortable, trendy, undemanding brand of Christianity. It’s a type very popular with people who want the vague feeling of “spirituality” but none of the challenges and sacrifices that go with it.
I said this might upset you because I go after a few modern Christian sacred cows here. Particularly, I think the phrase “personal relationship with Jesus” is potentially problematic (though not inaccurate, if considered the right way) because it contributes to the propagation of this heretical brand of Christianity. I explain why.
But more importantly, as Christians, our actions DO matter. Faith is not just something you think or feel. Faith is not just the mere acknowledgment of Jesus. Satan himself acknowledges Jesus, yet he’s still in hell. Clearly, there is more to this “faith” thing.
As Christians, our faith must be active, uncomfortable, sacrificial, even painful. If it is not, then it is not faith. Yes, faith is all we need, but we also need to come to a better understanding of what faith IS, exactly.
Pastor Rich (and Steven Furtick and Joel Osteen and the rest of the feel-good celebrity pastors) tell us that we can basically do whatever we want. They tell us Christianity is meant only to be fun and bring us pleasure. But that is not Christianity at all. What they are preaching is paganism, and they need to be called out:
The post If your church makes Christianity “cool” and comfortable, you should find a new church appeared first on The Matt Walsh Blog.
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Twisting the Facts on Iran Nukes
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America’s Debt to Bradley Manning
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Seeking a Belated Agent Orange Cleanup
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Wednesday, December 16, 2015
A Blind Eye Toward Turkey’s Crimes
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On the Trail of Turkey’s Terrorist Grey Wolves
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Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Closing the Wrong Visa Loopholes
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How ‘Obscure’ Bureaucrats Cause Wars
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A Moment of Hope on the Climate
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Monday, December 14, 2015
Why Consortiumnews Exists
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Sunday, December 13, 2015
The Complex Legend of Frank Sinatra
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Saturday, December 12, 2015
Blocking Democracy as Syria’s Solution
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A GOP Terror Talking Point
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Friday, December 11, 2015
Clearly, We Need More Shame And Judgment In Our Society
I want you to read and share this, but I will warn that it’s disturbing. Our culture of shamelessness and acceptance has created or exacerbated many evils, but few as nauseating as this one.
The guy in the picture below is a 52 year old “transgender” who pretends he is a 6 year old girl. He abandoned his wife and 7 children to go live with his “adopted parents.” Horrifically, there are real children in the house with this pervert. They have been forced to take part in the role play.
Obviously, the children should be removed from the home and all of the adults involved should be committed to a hospital for the criminally insane. But really, this transaged transgender is no different from any other transgender. The two things are completely comparable and it is impossible to reject one while accepting the other.
Meanwhile, as I chronicle in this piece, there have been efforts in recent weeks and months to normalize a wide variety of other perversions. We’ve heard about transabled (people who think they should be disabled), transracialed (people who think they should be a different race), and even “otherkin” (people who think they’re a different species).
And it doesn’t stop there. Movements are growing to bring about the acceptance and tolerance of incestuous couples and pedophiles, too.
Our culture is in a free fall, my friends. And there are many reasons for it, but ultimately it comes back to the removal, first, of absolute truth, and then the eradication of judgment and shame.
It’s that last point I want to concentrate on today. Shame exists for a reason. And when you have a society where everyone thinks they should never feel it, you end up with this. Please read and share:
The post Clearly, We Need More Shame And Judgment In Our Society appeared first on The Matt Walsh Blog.
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Cornering Russia, Risking World War III
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The Courage from Whistle-blowing
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Chicago Police Adopt Israeli Tactics
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Thursday, December 10, 2015
Israel’s Moral Erosion
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Congress Plays Santa to the Rich
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Wednesday, December 9, 2015
A Day When Journalism Died
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Putting the ISIS ‘Crisis’ in Context
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Tuesday, December 8, 2015
Cruz Threatens to Nuke ISIS Targets
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The Religious Element of Terrorism
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The Terror from the Gun
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Why Syria’s Options Are So Bad
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Translating Obama’s Speech into Candor
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Monday, December 7, 2015
The Incredible Shrinking President
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Twenty Years of Truth-telling
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The Tricky Definition of ‘Terrorism’
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Real Question for President Obama
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Sunday, December 6, 2015
Obama’s Credibility Crisis
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Trump’s Heresy on Israel
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Saturday, December 5, 2015
PBS Joins the MSM’s Syria-Russia Bias
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Suffering from Global Warming First
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Friday, December 4, 2015
What to Do about the ISIS ‘Caliphate’
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A Way Forward on Israel-Palestine
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Who Wants to Weaponize Outer Space?
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Learning to Love the ‘Drone War’
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When Mass Killings Aren’t ‘News’
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Thursday, December 3, 2015
Israel’s ‘Successful’ Defeat on Iran
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Humanity’s ‘Hail Mary’ on Global Warming
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How Republicans Shred the Republic
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NATO Picks a New Fight with Russia
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Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Obama Ignores Russian Terror Victims
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Global Angst over US Secrecy Fetish
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Obama Taunts Putin over Syria
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The West’s Deadly Mideast Fantasies
from Propaganda Guard
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Propagandists Count On Your Ultra-Short Memory
Discrediting The Fairy Tale Of Man Made Climate Change Through Their Own Words
In honor of the climate summit in Paris, lets take a closer look at the predictions that climate hysterics have made. Propagandists succeed because they realize the masses (that means you) can’t retain the details of news stories churned out at blistering speeds in modern society.
Taking advantage, they lie fearlessly knowing that hardly a soul will recall in 6 months time nevermind 5 years how wildly inaccurate and reckless their speech and warnings have proven to be. In this video, Paul Joseph Watson does society a valuable service by reminding us of all the discredited prophesies of doom and despair that climate alarmists have made in the recent past. The composite of their failures should teach us to never trust them again.
If climate change is not about authentic climate change and drastic situations like water covering NYC, what is it about?
As if having unenforcable emission standards weren’t bad enough, politico says this
And therein lies the sticking point on which negotiations actually center: “climate finance.” Climate finance is the term for wealth transferred from developed to developing nations based on a vague and shifting set of rationales including repayment of the “ecological debt” created by past emissions, “reparations” for natural disasters, and funding of renewable energy initiatives.
The issue will dominate the Paris talks. The INDCs covering actual emissions reductions are subjective, discretionary, and thus essentially unnegotiable. Not so the cash. Developing countries are expecting more than $100 billion in annual funds from this agreement or they will walk away. (For scale, that’s roughly equivalent to the entire OECD budget for foreign development assistance.)
Somehow, the international process for addressing climate change has become one where addressing climate change is optional and apparently beside the point. Rich countries are bidding against themselves to purchase the developing world’s signature on an agreement so they can declare victory — even though the agreement itself will be the only progress achieved.
This is a great time to listen in to the climate change chatter to try and figure out what propagandists are actually seeking with this climate change charade.
The post Propagandists Count On Your Ultra-Short Memory appeared first on PropagandaGuard.
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Near Boiling Point on Global Warming
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Fretting the Wrong Entry Program
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The Issue of Anti-Abortion Terrorism
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The US-Russia Proxy War in Syria
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Help Truth-telling on ‘Giving Tuesday’
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Monday, November 30, 2015
Facts Back Russia on Turkish Attack
from Propaganda Guard
Abortionists and Planned Parenthood Shooter Are Just Two Sides Of The Same Coin
I’ve said this before, but if you only ever read and share one thing I write, make it this one. I got into blogging specifically for situations like this. I got into it to say difficult truths when seemingly nobody else is willing to say them.
As I’m sure you heard, a mentally insane man shot several people — mostly cops, a few civilians — in and around a Planned Parenthood clinic on Friday. One can presume that a number of precious unborn children were also murdered in separate incidents at the clinic that day, but they will never be named, mourned, or memorialized.
Now, even though the shooter is a rambling reclusive lunatic with no coherent motivations, left wingers have used this incident to smear the pro-life movement and position themselves, and the abortion industry, as victims. Frustratingly, many on the right have made a show of condemning the attacks, but they haven’t forcefully pushed back against these hypocrites who condone the murder of children and then act SHOCKED and OUTRAGED when some violence spills back in their direction.
I’m not having it. Obviously we condemn the murder of the innocent, but we are not the ones who have to come out and prove it. We have proved it, over and over again. The abortion industry heinously murders a million babies a year, and yet we are so committed to peace that the child killers can go about their business safely and securely. We battle them with ideas, and prayer, and love. They are the violent ones, not us, and everyone knows it.
Beyond that, there are four very important points that need to be made, and I ask you to read this to understand them. One of the biggest overarching points is that, as I say in the title, the Planned Parenthood shooter is a murderer of the innocent, and so is Planned Parenthood. In that way, they are really just two sides of the same coin. Pro-lifers oppose both because we oppose murder itself. Pro-aborts celebrate one and then think they have the standing to condemn the other, but they don’t.
We are the peaceful ones. We the ones who love people and strive to defend the sanctity of human life. We are the good guys here, and none of that has changed:
The post Abortionists and Planned Parenthood Shooter Are Just Two Sides Of The Same Coin appeared first on The Matt Walsh Blog.
from Propaganda Guard
How Gaddafi’s Ouster Unleashed Terror
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Ben Carson and the ‘War on Christmas’
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Sunday, November 29, 2015
Avoiding the Trap of Retaliation
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Is Assad Part of a Solution?
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Saturday, November 28, 2015
The Collision Course in Syria
from Propaganda Guard
Friday, November 27, 2015
Corporate Climate Change Propaganda
Pathetic Climate Change Propaganda
Ben & Jerry’s and Unilever are two corporations among many engaged in climate change propaganda; it isn’t enough to sell ice cream now that the ice cream is…oh my gosh… melting. Unless a corporation has a leftist customer base they have little or no financial incentive to engage in these types of campaigns, which can only serve to piss off the “climate denier”. Backing a “cause” is always a risky behavior for a money making operation. It makes you wonder when so many businesses feel the need to play Russion Roulette backing a highly controversal issue?
The Unilever propaganda video relies upon “The science is settled” mantra for its main argument. It’s as obvious as the thermostat on the wall or so the analogy goes. Of course, everyone knows that the climate is always changing and the science is never settled because there is no such thing as universal agreement on an idea as controversial as CO2, as a pollutant. Unilever has an entire subdomain set up for diseminating climate change propaganda, called bright Future.
When Global Warming Propaganda Is So Lame It Hurts | The Daily Sheeple
And the saddest part is, you can tell they actually think they are being clever here…
Sorry if this climate change propaganda makes your forehead ache like you inhaled too many Slurpees.
At least you were warned.
Watch this social experiment w/@Upworthy to see how office workers dealt with rising heat…
— Unilever UK & IRE (@UnileverUKI) November 10, 2015
TA DA: Our last event of the year is a big one to get ready for People’s Climate March!
 — CraftivistCollective (@Craftivists) November 6, 2015
Failed Climate Change Prophesies
You won’t hear these epic failed attempts to predict climate catastrophe in the news. (H/T to Newsobserveronline)
* In 1989, the United Nations predicted that “entire nations would be wiped off the face of the earth by rising sea levels by the year 2000” as a result of “climate change.”
San Jose Mercury News (CA) — June 30, 1989 — 3F General News
A senior environmental official at the United Nations, Noel Brown, says entire nations could be wiped off the face of the earth by rising sea levels if global warming is not reversed by the year 2000. Coastal flooding and crop failures would create an exodus of “eco-refugees,” threatening political chaos, said Brown, director of the New York office of the UN Environment Program. He said governments have a 10-year window of opportunity to solve the greenhouse effect.
* In 2007, the chief of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Rajendra Kumar Pachauri, said, “If there’s no action before 2012, that’s too late. What we do in the next two to three years will determine our future. This is the defining moment.”
* On Jan. 19, 2009, James Hansen, ‘climate expert’ who was formerly head of NASA’s Goddard Institute of Space Studies, firmly declared that President Obama “has only four years to save the Earth.”
* In 2014, satellite images showed that the Arctic ice cap was thicker than ever, and covered 1.7 million square kilometers more than two years previously, in spite of infamous alarmist Al Gore’s 2007 prediction it would be ice-free by that year.
While there is some evidence for environmental damage as a result of industrialization, it is clear that the hysteria over “climate change” has taken on a distinctly political tinge—and an anti-Western one at that.
Quotes From Noted Scientists
“Warming fears are the “worst scientific scandal in the history…When people come to know what the truth is, they will feel deceived by science and scientists.” – UN IPCC Japanese Scientist Dr. Kiminori Itoh, an award-winning PhD environmental physical chemist.
“Creating an ideology pegged to carbon dioxide is a dangerous nonsense…The present alarm on climate change is an instrument of social control, a pretext for major businesses and political battle. It became an ideology, which is concerning.” – Environmental Scientist Professor Delgado Domingos of Portugal, the founder of the Numerical Weather Forecast group, has more than 150 published articles.
“Since I am no longer affiliated with any organization nor receiving any funding, I can speak quite frankly….As a scientist I remain skeptical.” – Atmospheric Scientist Dr. Joanne Simpson, the first woman in the world to receive a PhD in meteorology and formerly of NASA who has authored more than 190 studies and has been called “among the most preeminent scientists of the last 100 years.
“Climate change is pure political propaganda that has nothing to do with science,” and that in reality, the world’s “deserts are greening from rising CO2.”–One of the original founders of Greenpeace, Dr. Patrick Moore.
“I urge you when looking at a graph, check the scales! The uncertainty here is tenths of a degree,” he noted. “When someone points to this and says this is the warmest temperature on record, what are they talking about? It’s just nonsense. This is a very tiny change period. And they are arguing over hundredths of a degree when it is uncertain in tenths of a degree,” —Dr. Richard Lindzen, former Professor of Meteorology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences.
“Policies to reduce CO2 are “based on nonsense” and on “computer models that do not work. We are being led down a false path. Our breath is not that different from a power plant”.–Will Happer, Professor of Physics at Princeton University and former director of the US Department of Energy’s Office of Science.
The post Corporate Climate Change Propaganda appeared first on PropagandaGuard.
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In the Dark on the ‘Dark Side’
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Thursday, November 26, 2015
The Real Thanksgiving Day
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Wednesday, November 25, 2015
In Case You Missed…
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Dear Christians, Now Is The Time For Intolerance
Christians say we are a “Christian nation,” but I see no evidence to support that claim. If we are, why is our entertainment and our pop culture often so gleefully sacrilegious and anti-Christian?
There are obviously many, many, many examples of this, but a few recent ones include the prime time ABC show last week that depicted a woman getting an abortion while “Silent Night,” a song about the birth of Christ, played in the background.
It wasn’t out of the ordinary for ABC. After all, this is the same network that produced a sitcom called “Good Christian Bitches” a while back, and it’s the same network whose sister channel, ABC Family, features a drama about biracial lesbian foster parents.
Meanwhile, Fox will soon debut a comedy called “Lucifer,” in which the protagonist is a charming, well-intentioned, attractive Satan who comes to Earth to fight crime and flirt with women. Also, AMC will be premiering “Preacher,” about a Christian minister possessed by the lovechild of a demon and an angel. The show follows his adventures as he searches for God, who has cowardly abandoned His creation.
Now, obviously, no media company would ever in a million years consider turning blasphemy against Islam into comedy like they do with Christianity. And none would ever attack progressive dogmas like they attack Christian teachings. Only our beliefs are mocked as entertainment. Only Our Lord is spit upon just for fun.
And why? Simple: because we tolerate it. We accept it. We PARTICIPATE IN IT by continuing to support the companies that produce this garbage. We lack the courage of our convictions. We are weak.
Jesus flipped tables when the temple was desecrated. Well, Christ IS the temple, so should we not do the same when He is defiled? Nobody respects us in this society because they know they can slap God Himself in the face and we will stand by and just continue handing them our money.
I say enough of this. Nobody else in the world tolerates sacrilege like we do. And not long ago, Christians wouldn’t have tolerated it either. I think it’s time to be intolerant again:
The post Dear Christians, Now Is The Time For Intolerance appeared first on The Matt Walsh Blog.
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Tuesday, November 24, 2015
Turkey Provokes Russia with Shoot-down
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Delinking Terrorism and Islam
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The Bitter Fruit of ‘Bibi-ism’
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Going Nativist on Syrian Refugees
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Monday, November 23, 2015
Hitting Saudi Arabia Where It Hurts
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A ‘See-No-Evil’ Drone War
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Sunday, November 22, 2015
Ducking the Issue of ‘Perpetual War’
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Rethinking ‘Assad Must Go’ Slogan
from Propaganda Guard
Saturday, November 21, 2015
The Brutal Paris Terror Attack
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Friday, November 20, 2015
The Saudi Connection to Terror
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The ‘War on Terror’ Has Been Lost
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Hard Lessons from Paris Attack
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